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Report a player - 350 & 339 - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Alan Eddine
Reported Players: 350 & 339
Date: Jan 1, 1970
Time: 17:10
What best describes this incident: Metagaming , Combat Logging
Please (in detail) describe the incident: First of all thank you to the staff member dealing with this, Mara had spotted a changaloa G checking people down at TFA motorcycle shop someone had called it through the radio i arrived there and said yo who are you G checking to which they replied with gunfire directly towards me.

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After being shot we went into a gun fight were i was getting chased and shot from inferno from behind where he end up getting downed by me

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I down inferno take his phone and radio off him and took him up to the mountains to make sure no one could find him, i told him i will come back to you, as i had to go back and help the rest of the boys in the situation.

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I went back to the location where i left inferno after 15 minutes of fighting he wasnt there anymore which i believe he combat logged i typed into ooc about it to which he reappeared straight away after the ooc message

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I took him down to the beach away from the situation to which i made sure i was not being followed at all around 5 minutes in of me trying to rping with inferno 3 changaloa cars appear with a guy on foot firing at me to which i believe is metagaming? this is not the first occasion this is happened whilst fighting changaloa, and is the reason for this report being put up by marabunta as a whole.

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I tried to liason with him so he could send me his pov of the situation although receiving his pov i was unsatisfied with what i seen,
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://youtu.be/2L4njQRcNVg
Hello gonna keep it short and simple my internet dropped out didn't combat log and for metagaming claims i have 8 mins of footage from me loading back in the server where at 1:47 seconds into the clip you can see one of my boys emerge from oil fields and head up the hill and you will then see thew bike again at the top of the hill looking at us in the black sultan (that i had called out that i was chasing towards oil fields) conveniently you have left this part of the clip out or you just haven't spotted this bike which is your own fault within rp after the bike saw you go down the other side of the hill it leaves the search area very thin for my boys to find me. Which they have and you think there was foul play involved you are entitled to your own opinion however wrong it may be. If you are curious about who i was typing to when loading back into the server it was your very own Jess which i have a screenshot of our msgs and the time stamps will match up for staff if they want to check that but i will not be putting this screenshot here unless requested to do so by staff.

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( clip from my pov )

https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/ivrTFqbUWCXl-wOyU/d1337Cj8eRoT?invite=cr-MSxBYm8sMjMyOTI2NzU2LA ( clip of me being spotted by member when scanning the beach about 5 mins after spotting us on the hill )

Also curious to why it took you so long to put this report as it was after the recommended 24hrs

Anyway have a good day
Also after re-watching this how do you know this is a changaloa running towards you. You cant see any weapons and just start shooting how do you know that this is somebody that is hostile towards you for all you know this is some random baldy exploring the island or if i remember rightly there was a fishing spot over in this area at the time. So just curious what gives you the right to essentially rdm someone blacked out

I find it very convenient for the bike to be headed full speed up where we are. it is not a common place to randomly go and it was far away from the fight. he also comes 1 minute after you reconnect. you got killed far from oil fields so not sure why you would call that out when you are killed mara turf, when your friend came it also happened a while after your got killed, why would he go up and check firstly after you reconnected? and i have not left out any clips. these are all i have.

I had issues and could not make the report before 24hrs, i made a ticket to inform this

if you think i broke a rule, please report me. This report is on you, and it is not the first time you have tried to turn the report around, this happened last report involing us and you too.
Also after re-watching this how do you know this is a changaloa running towards you. You cant see any weapons and just start shooting how do you know that this is somebody that is hostile towards you for all you know this is some random baldy exploring the island or if i remember rightly there was a fishing spot over in this area at the time. So just curious what gives you the right to essentially rdm someone blacked out
i knew he was changaloas, as i had been shooting at him before

1) https://i.gyazo.com/d62657e7aee1798da8250e36a1c30ac0.png

2) https://i.gyazo.com/4659e248c497e400eb58991f54bc047a.png
hello alan, i would just like to start off and say i 100% will never and never metagamed the situation i had just flown back in after popping my head because my screen was constantly blury after being shot i fly back in and learn that inferno had been killed and grabbed so i tell the boys to go look for him and they tell me the last location he was seen ie oil feilds and mara turf so i then go up to oil feilds have a look around there but see no one i go up the mounting a little bit and see your headlights i see inferno on the ground and u getting him in the car i fall a little down the hill and when i got back up u were gone i proceed to call it out on radio that i just seen u and have lost sight off the car so we look in the genral direction that u might have went my first thoughts was the beach because its close and out the way from anything while im looking on the beach i know now that my pals were looking in other areas like the cutting boat next to the beach, purple dinosour, and mara turf i then spot u and call it out on radio thats when u shoot me on sight with not a word said.


As you can see in the screenshot ive provided id spotted you on the hill and i drove up the hill on a motorbike which you can see my brake light @2.09 seconds of the clip there was no meta involved.
Hello Alan and staff that read this,

so i didn't comm oil fields i said heading up towards oil fields so of course they are going to check the area i was heading towards and maybe the bike drove up the hill because you are sat there with your headlights on which can be seen very clearly in every clip provided. To move on you ask why would he check so long after i was killed maybe because when you have dumped me on the hill with no rp you went back to fight the fight then concluded and you returned to me not being there which is a internet issue on my end which i previously stated. They have most likely gone through people who are missing then realized i was and then recalled my comm and saw you sat in a car on the hill with your headlights on.

Also with me being a long standing member of the community I'm not stupid enough to risk a ban over .50 that i could easily get back within the server. I can further prove this with myself accepting every single dogey i have been taken too by mara and handing over my guns so that we could rp further. Although I have made this mistake in the past of metagaming which was a very long time ago and I admitted my fault and I'm not stupid enough to repeat actions of my past.

I'm also curious to the fact if you lost your gun to pillbox after I came and recovered you from the spot my gang dumped you at.

Anyway I wont be replying further.
Hi thanks for your replys

@daley420 if you could provide your pov from when you re entered the server from your head pop until you where downed by myself at the beach i believe that would settle all claims and put this report to bed if not i will leave it for staffs decision.

Thank you all Alan
Hi thanks for your replys

@daley420 if you could provide your pov from when you re entered the server from your head pop until you where downed by myself at the beach i believe that would settle all claims and put this report to bed if not i will leave it for staffs decision.

Thank you all Alan
I didn’t clip it I didn’t think I would need it if I’m being honest mate sorry.
Thank you for taking the time to report this incident.

Alan the first thing I want to point out is in future when you submit the report please ensure that the correct Date & Time are listed to help staff look into your report, Luckily in this case I was able to find the date and time this occurred being on the 19th.

As for the claims of Combat Logging as @Molotov has said he lost connection to the server which I can confirm and when he reconnected I can see that the RP did continue allowing you to take him further. Now looking at the report for possible Metagame from the evidence that has been provided I can understand why you might speculate as to the assumption of someone Metgaming. Still, all I can see is there is a person from Molotov's clip who has possibly spotted you while you are not that far aware from where the initial incident happened and in gang colours it's safe for them to assume that you have one of their members.

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