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Report a player - 339 - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: John Kearns
Reported Players: 339
Date: Dec 18, 2024
Time: 20:30
What best describes this incident: R slur
Please (in detail) describe the incident: User 339 asked if I was r*tard*d, I told him I didn't appreciate him saying that word and he called me r*tard*d again
Link(s) To Any Evidence: no clip
Good evening,

@jalkiee Please ensure you've read, and are familiar with our report-a-player guidelines. We need evidence in order to be able to process a report. In this case, however, @TedF (the reported player) has submitted their recording of the situation.

The word "retard" or "retarded" is fine to say within our game server; there is no rule prohibiting anyone from saying it. The only time it may become an issue is if a player (not the character) is being abused/harassed/bullied with the word, but saying it between two characters is fine. It is important to remember, you are not your character, and your character is not you. Furthermore, it is quite clear in the recording provided that he is saying it to his friend over the radio, and not to you.

Report Declined - No Action Taken

Please don't let this outcome discourage you from reporting in future, but please familiarise yourself with our report-a-player guidelines!