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Report a player - 26 - GTA RP

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Up the road down the street

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Lily Webber
Reported Players: 26
Date: Jun 10, 2024
Time: 13:50
What best describes this incident: Rule Breaks of G2.4 and G4.4
Please (in detail) describe the incident: At 13:50 10/06/24 Myself (Lily Webber) and two others finished a bin run. Two gentlemen came and was giving us bits from their bin finds (lush). One decided to keep whistling at me like a dog continuously, so I made a comment about not being able to get women looking the way he does, and he should try not whistling at them. When we left the bin area, we headed to a carpark to find we had been followed and they had decided to ram our cars, shouting something muffled. We sped off in hopes not to get injured and also not to get involved in RP situation so close to the storm.
Both continued to follow and ram our cars, which we took as threatening behaviour. We lost one after a while. But one continued, we broke down and stopped. Jumped out the car, asked him why he had decided to continue keep on ramming us and if there was an issue. He was on his phone alerting more people of the location, so a friend (Olly Wolly) shot him in the top of the chest.
Storm then happened and we returned.
After the storm the particular players Char ID was 26.
Popped him into a car, gave medical care on our way to find a dodgy doc. He was unresponsive and then came round. Not roleplaying any injuries whatsoever, just getting the hump and telling us to ‘hurry up and he doesn’t care what happens’. He asked why we had done what we had done. So, I explained and said about what him and his friend had been doing ramming us with cars. Let him know that unfortunately he was collateral and that is why we was heading to get him some help.
Once we found a dodgy doctor, we attempted to get him out of the car, the man went nonverbal and decided to not roleplay anything (Clip 1). We tried to make it a decent RP situation which became incredibly hard when he wasn’t roleplaying along.
Managed to get him out the vehicle and began to get good old dodgy docs medical attention. (Clip 2) Where he tried his luck and lost. A bold move and possibly not an unexpected one.
Giving him one last chance (Lily is schizophrenic and the good was on his side today) we began more medical care and explained the process, he stood with a machete to his back and a gun to his head however proceeded to stab us all (fair play took us all out) however, RP was awful, injured man who has been defibbed twice, stabbed and shot just simply takes us all out, then happily calls his pals and runs away. (Clip 3)
The whole situation from start to finish was faulty on both parts. However, it is the lack of this players interactions, roleplay and lack of any value for his life.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/i2AruTMWkux3_gU5c/d1337hCkqPdA?invite=cr-MSxkZmwsMjE3OTQ2NjYwLA
Hello Staff,

I am the guy in the motorcycle helmet in this situation (Eosaiph Druiminn), if you need me to answer anything im available

Hi Staff,

I am Ollie Wollie in the sorting hat in this situation. We did also invite the man who NVL'd to QE and sat there for around 20 minutes however he did not respond/join. please feel free to message me if i can assist any further
Hello, I have just checked my medal and I didn't clip it in time unfortunately
I did not have it clipped either, however we had sent multiple messages in the OOC chat tagging 26 at that time, though we never got a response
No problem, First off thank you for taking the time to make a player report @Queen_Bean4

So in relation to our report a player guidelines we can't simply take someone's word for who it may or may not have been and is why we do require sessionheads shown, Or /nearbyids.

I'll pop below the report requirements so you are aware moving forth;


As there is no sessionheads shown in the video I'm afraid I cannot move forth with the report so on this occasion the report will be denied.
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