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Report a player - 257 - GTA RP


New member

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Lewis Rock
Reported Players: 257
Date: Oct 9, 2024
Time: 17:15
What best describes this incident: FRP
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I went up to someones car looked in their boot didn't take anything he said get out the boot i did then i was walking over to him to ask him if i could have the pumpkin pie's and then he just shoots me.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/iQrvINNn3p6rl9310?invite=cr-MSxXbzUsODkxMjM0ODUs
Hi there,
First of all thanks to the staff member that needs to go through this, That's not quite how it unfolded now is it?

your clip shows the real events you jumped forward towards and searched the boot of a moving vehicle which in my mind common sense tells me that is a stupid thing to do, you then go towards the vehicle and ragdoll to fake being knocked down by the vehicle when not entertained you walk forward and ask me if i am marabunta to which i replied yes

You then think its a good idea to search the boot of a stranger never mind a dangerous gang members vehicle in front of him and his other gang member to which you know as you asked seemingly already knowing i am in a gang called marabunta. as soon as you do this i reach for my revolver pull it out and clearly state "Get back right now before i blow your fucking head off"

You then think its a smart idea to then proceed to walk towards the dangerous gang member with a brandished firearm pointed at your head point blank with clear instructions to fuck off. In my mind 3 strangers acting suspicious as if they where going to try and rob me and my gang member i protected both of us from this happening i gave you the chance to live and you never took it which again in my mind is very stupid of you.

Also i would like to recommend going over the rules again especially (G2.4 Value of life) I don't believe you valued your life when instructed to leave with a gun pointed at you and you were at a disadvantage at that point (G4.4 when you are downed) I don't believe you roleplayed your injuries at all (C1.7 Common sense) Approaching gang members and being an idiot.

I have nothing more to respond on this matter unless staff require me to do so.


James Mc
Mate first of all a didn't mean to search your boot when a jumped a meant to ragdoll and also your trigger happy
Hi I know I said I wouldn't respond however I am not getting accused of being trigger happy nor entertaining your lies.

If you didn't mean to do it the first time then why did you try doing it again when you did ragdoll and was laying on the floor face down?

You can see at the bottom left of your clip a message popping up stating "there is no vehicle in front of you" which shows you tried for the second time.

Now for your second claim "your trigger happy" there where 3 of you acting suspicious you checked the boot of my gang members vehicle me knowing there's a knife in the boot as we found it doing bin jobs. I was not taking the chance of getting stabbed or robbed as how am I meant to know you didn't take it or anything else. I gave you the chance to walk away and you failed to comply I guess the phrase fuck about and find out comes to mind.

James Mc
Do you have a longer clip of this? i assume your reporting here for RDM.

Please provide around 3 mins before the shot please