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Report a player - 221-bobby smith - GTA RP


Well-known member

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Frank Smith
Reported Players: 221-bobby smith
Date: Dec 17, 2024
Time: 23:11
What best describes this incident: NVL
Please (in detail) describe the incident: so we pull up to the petrol station at bins and started "G checking" people looking for Grove and we notice a guys got a helmet on and few other faces we ask them to remove the masks etc in which bobby doesn't even say a word just stays silent the entire time even though we are talking to him when he finally does decide to speak we ask him to remove the helmet and mask so we can see his face as Grove like to keep blacking out.

we do so as to not take the wrong people or waste peoples time any further when Bobby finally takes his mask off we recognise him and ask him to put his hands up and with multiple guns pointed at him he decides to try and take everyone on and punch everyone, see now I wouldn't even be writing this report but we spoke in QE and he seems to think nothing was wrong with it and he said he was going to punch his way out and said in his FOV he said he saw no guns if his got the clip I'd like to see it but for me you can see the guns in front of him and I was telling him that I've got a gun pointed at him.

When speaking on the NVL he mentioned about my members NVLING on which I agreed on with him that it was right to report as you could see the blatant rule break and I didn't see my self until I saw the report so I fully agreed with him so not sure if that was said to make it ok or not I'm not sure
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jiXZP6ujOD7H8eSas?invite=cr-MSxscEssNzg0ODYyOTAs
Hello Frank,
To start the report I would like to ask you why you are putting up a report. We went to QE right after the situation and sorted it out and we were good on both sides of the problem. We agreed on the situation and left it there. In your own words "I won't put up a report this time, but if it happens again I will". This makes me think that you are revenge-reporting because you put the report up 1 hour after 2 of your members got banned. If you have a clip of our conversation in QE, please provide it.
we do so as to not take the wrong people or waste peoples time any further when Bobby finally takes his mask off we recognise him and ask him to put his hands up and with multiple guns pointed at him he decides to try and take everyone on and punch everyone
From my POV it was not "multiple guns" pointed at me. Courtney said "It's Bobby Smith" and I saw 1 guy pull out a gun not even pointing it at me. I realized that they knew it was me and I started punching because I was afraid that the guy that pulled out his gun was going to shoot me. After all, we are currently in a fight. I'll be honest when I say that the 6th punch was not intentional as I was "spam-punching" and I clicked my mouse button one too many times, that's why I stopped punching right after.
and ask him to put his hands up
I was never told to put my hands up, so I don't really see where you get this from?
and said in his FOV he said he saw no guns
You know that I never said that Frank. In QE, I stated multiple times that I saw one guy pull out a gun without pointing it at me. Please avoid putting words in my mouth to make your report look better and instead provide a clip of the conversation if you have one.

When speaking on the NVL he mentioned about my members NVLING on which I agreed on with him that it was right to report as you could see the blatant rule break and I didn't see my self until I saw the report so I fully agreed with him so not sure if that was said to make it ok or not I'm not sure
Yes, I did mention your members breaking the NVL rule where I advised you to make sure your members knew about the rules since most of your members are new to the city. ->
so not sure if that was said to make it ok or not I'm not sure
-> Although when you say stuff like this, I don't know if you say that because you're serious or if you're trying to make your report look better. It had nothing to do with the report and it would show if you have the clip of the conversation.

I have nothing else to add on to the reply, although it would be nice if frank could provide a 3-5 minute clip aswell as a clip of the QE-conversation if it is one.

Thanks to staff for taking your time to read my reply.
thing is we never just shoot when G checking or anything we have never just killed you straight off the bat like that so that's a pretty bad assumption, yeah we did QE last night but when you replied with you was going to punch your way out with multiple guns pointed at you so I felt you didn't even take it seriously knowing that it was still NVL, even after you knocked the first person down in your POV you see 2 people on foot with guns pointed at you so that don't make sense.

yeah to be fair the put your hands up comment was due to thinking about what you was doing whilst guns was on you so it honestly left my head so yeah ill agree with you there, and what you say about punching whilst guns was on you was "I think its the only way out because I see straps no one pointed nothing at me" and then I mention did we say we was going to kill you? in which you reply with "No but you took out a strap" and you tell me that it was not NVL and if I think so I should go to the forums.

As to the the comment about most of my members being new we literally have 2 relatively new to city with us in which I didn't know that they NVL'd and even agreed with you about it and agreed that the report was defo the right thing to do.
thing is we never just shoot when G checking or anything we have never just killed you straight off the bat like that so that's a pretty bad assumption
Every situation is different. You gotta understand that my character does not remember anything from these previous situations that you are talking about. Therefore I can not use this information in other situations 😁.
I think so I should go to the forums.
Then don't sit in QE and say that you won't put up a report and then proceed to put up a report not even an hour after 3 of your members got banned, not a good look!
even after you knocked the first person down in your POV you see 2 people on foot with guns pointed at you so that don't make sense.
I already explained this in my last reply Frank! Please only come with new information that would help staff with dealing with this report😁
"I think its the only way out because I see straps no one pointed nothing at me"
Again Frank, Please avoid putting words in my mouth. If you have the clip of us being in QE, please provide.
As to the the comment about most of my members being new we literally have 2 relatively new to city with us in which I didn't know that they NVL'd and even agreed with you about it and agreed that the report was defo the right thing to do.
Irrelevant information as it has nothing to do with the report.

Thanks for the read😁
Every situation is different. You gotta understand that my character does not remember anything from these previous situations that you are talking about. Therefore I can not use this information in other situations 😁.
we don't do that in general as I would class that as RDM as not enough interaction to warrant being shot bud

Then don't sit in QE and say that you won't put up a report and then proceed to put up a report not even an hour after 3 of your members got banned, not a good look!
I reported as I wasn't happy with the silly reason "I saw straps and was going to punch my way out" so yeah I felt you wasn't taking it seriously like we all have to so

I already explained this in my last reply Frank! Please only come with new information that would help staff with dealing with this report😁
you explained you punched one guy and dismissed the other guns but ok yeah let staff deal with it

Again Frank, Please avoid putting words in my mouth. If you have the clip of us being in QE, please provide.
yeah no stress then ill post the QE clip

Irrelevant information as it has nothing to do with the report.
ok pal

this will be my last reply then as you want staff to deal with it and ill post the QE
I reported as I wasn't happy with the silly reason "I saw straps and was going to punch my way out" so yeah I felt you wasn't taking it seriously like we all have to so
Not what you were saying in QE... but okay.
you explained you punched one guy and dismissed the other guns but ok yeah let staff deal with it
I'll be honest when I say that the 6th punch was not intentional as I was "spam-punching" and I clicked my mouse button one too many times, that's why I stopped punching right after.
Last reply as it seems like its just repetition and nothing more to contribute with.

Could you please post the *whole* conversation we had in QE as I see that you have left out a bit.
its all I could clip due to medal only letting me clip 2mins bud
I find it kinda bizarre that the last bit where you said you weren't going to put up a report is cut out but alright ig? Can you at least be honest enough to admit that you stated that?
I can only post the link for up to 2 mins on medal pal I don't know why your saying its weird I've got no reason to lie about why the clip is that long I have provided the clip that you asked for when you said I was putting words in your mouth and now about what you said then I provide the clip and now all of a sudden you find it bizarre about it now that it was posted? I'm done replying and am going to leave it down to staff bud as it's honestly going in circles.
I don't know why your saying its weird I've got no reason to lie about why the clip is that long
The reason I found it being weird is because as a "gang-leader", I would expect you to know that you need 5 minute clips in reports. Additional to the fact that the part of the clip I wanted you to provide is almost perfectly cut out.
But we are getting nowhere by replying back and forth Franky, lets just leave it for the staff to decide.😁
like I said medal only allows me to post 2mins so I tried to get the part you wanted about putting words in your mouth which I got but like I say the limit is 2mins and yeah agreed leave it to staff.

Staff aren't interested in reading a back and forth between users underneath player reports - or anywhere else on the forums really.

Seeing as the last ten replies have added nothing to the report - this will be locked until staff can review the report.

If you have anything substantial to add, then open a discord ticket.
Good evening @Huntz-OG & @Bobby Smith

I don't believe this situation is NVL; at the point Bobby defended himself, there was one gun drawn, and he entered fight or flight instincts. He chose to fight. Bobby goes for the person who has the gun, cementing the belief he's trying to angle an escape, however slim at that point in time. He punches a few times, and he auto-targets onto the person who rolls away from him; he stops punching. Why, I don't know exactly, but he stops. He is then gunned down. Sure, understandable, no complaints from me, but incapacitating Bobby when he was stood still like that, surely you stopped any further roleplay from happening? Bobby may have complied; he might not have; we'll never know, as you were too hasty to shoot an unarmed person punching someone.

If Bobby had continued punching at the point when he stood still from his own perspective, where he could see more guns and less chance of escaping, I'd be more inclined to agree, but from Bobby's perspective, he punches one person with a gun not aimed (and punches a second) and then accidentally locks onto the third and stops punching. Although a stupid move to some, I don't believe Bobby's actions breach the threshold for NVL (G2.4)

As a side note, the demands made to Bobby also weren't that clear, and seemingly spent more time voicing their confusion about Bobby's actions rather than controlling the situation and issuing clear and concise demands. Maybe something to consider working on in future.

Moving on, I am beginning to notice a trend from you, @Huntz-OG, of cutting recordings down to the 'bare minimum'; there might be some justified reason, but considering the liaison recording provided was a full two minutes (the hard cap for Medal), I believe it's more of a choice, than a limitation. In future, provide longer recordings (if it is available) of the reported situation, besides RDM/RVDM where it is required regardless.

Report Declined - No Action Taken