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Report a player - 220 - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Isak Vladislav

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 220

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 12/16/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2140

What best describes this incident ?: RDM/Trolling

Please (in detail) describe the incident: First off, I noticed my microphone isn't being recorded. It sometimes happen when I use my VR headset and my Shadowplay then decides to use that as a main mic until i change it. Did not notice before now. Sorry.

Me and my mate were in the Casino having fun when two people start coming up to us, first begging for money. I told them to get away. Then they started to "troll" and just try to piss me off by saying all kinds of things and laughing and basically being annoying. I told them multiple times to stop harassing me and go away, but they kept on coming back trying to annoy us. I then stood up and punched one of them to get them to get away. (i do not have this recorded but one of them might) A fist fight broke out between us and ended up knocking two of them out. 220 was of them stood there watching. I let him bring them to hospital.

Now after a rough time between 10-15min I have to go do something for my friend and I rush out of the casino. On the parking lot 220 is waiting for me to exit and shoots me without saying a word or trying to RP it. I had almost no interaction with this person before this, other than telling him to back off after being rude and lippy. He then puts me in his car and dump me while asking silly questions and honestly from my perspective, joking around. A a lot of RP could have been involved with this but he decided to just cut it out. I tried asking in OOC if they wanted to come chat about this on TS but they just replied rudely and did not want to talk it out, hence why I am here.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

I will do a full reply to this tomorrow evening with full video evidence.

In summary though.  You killed 2 of my friends, hit me multiple times, (spam punching) I said let's go outside and sort this out like men,  Waited for you to come out you didn't, eventually you did and I shot you in the face. 

I think you're just reporting out of spite to be totally honest as you were dumped. 

Live by the gun, die by the gun. 

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@Dave Noble I did not kill them, I left them there for you to put them in hospital. The woman/man that was mainly trolling me is the one i started punching, the man that came after started punching me too. You did not really involve yourself in the punching and then proceed to shoot me without any RP basically. Dumping is a real shit thing to do without a proper good reason.

You said, and I quote "don't pick him up" 

That to me means, well,  don't pick him up. 

My other pal was spam hit so many times he ended up in the netherworld and couldn't be picked up anyway. 

So let's get this straight.  If this was irl. (I know it's not), however, just for example, You'd kicked fck out of someone's good friend(s) and then was asked outside, yet you didn't come out,  then just continue with your day like nothing happened and get no retaliation? Sorry,  I don't think so. 

It's also very convenient that your video doesn't have your voice in it...

Like I said, I will reply this evening with full video evidence, so it will be clear why you were shot and made to sleep with the fishes.

very convenient
I dont see how my voice would have impacted this in any way. I cannot do anything with it and it happens a couple times when i use shadowplay. Sadly i get no indication of when it happen and i cannot be asked to check my mic settings on shadowplay every time i launch the game sadly. It was a heated moment and you went to pick him up and i just shouted at you to leave him. Your pal that i also beat came and tried to punch me while i was having a fight with the lady, i couldnt possibly know he was going to fall thru the map. The reason i didnt punch you is because you didnt fight back. You were a bystander basically and you did not really "troll" me as much as that lady. You just stood there picking your ass (lol)  I was not out to kill anyone but once you start harassing someone after being told to stop multiple times, it is quite obvious what is going to happen then. I still find it wrong that you shoot me without saying a word and go instantly to dump me without proper Execution/RP. I had no chance to save myself in any form.

I would also like to classify this as G1.3 (Baiting) as you both of you were constantly being pricks and literally out to stir up shit.

I dont see how my voice would have impacted this in any way
If you uploaded the full video and the way you spoke to him at the end thinking your a massive gangster would of justified him doing what he did. You legit get up and spam punch me and my buddy WHILE I'm mid  hand in blackjack leaving me completely vulnerable to do anything. I wasn't trolling either I was laughing at the expense of you losing all your money and how you thought it was a good idea to play I'm a massive meathead and I'm hard as fuck mentality which everyone seems to have. You tell him to not pick me up and then you push him and spit in his face.

I don't see why you uploaded video that doesn't show EVERYTHING that went on but a short clip to show a mere glimpse of what went on just to go out your way and getting someone banned because something didn't go your way. 

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So, here is the footage i have, Have a watch from my perspective and see why you were shot and dumped.

Now, As you can see I didn't hit you once. You were acting all big and hard and then someone with a gun comes along and you get upset about it and open a report a player.

Could the RP of been better, Yes, there is always room for improvement.

But to be fair you get what you give.


I hope this clears it up for you.


If you uploaded the full video and the way you spoke to him at the end thinking your a massive gangster would of justified him doing what he did. You legit get up and spam punch me and my buddy WHILE I'm mid  hand in blackjack leaving me completely vulnerable to do anything. I wasn't trolling either I was laughing at the expense of you losing all your money and how you thought it was a good idea to play I'm a massive meathead and I'm hard as fuck mentality which everyone seems to have. You tell him to not pick me up and then you push him and spit in his face.

I don't see why you uploaded video that doesn't show EVERYTHING that went on but a short clip to show a mere glimpse of what went on just to go out your way and getting someone banned because something didn't go your way. 
As i have said "(i do not have this recorded but one of them might)" i did not have any video of it. But YOU guys might have.


So, here is the footage i have, Have a watch from my perspective and see why you were shot and dumped.
You got the video before all this happens?

As i have said "(i do not have this recorded but one of them might)" i did not have any video of it. But YOU guys might have.


You got the video before all this happens?
At the end of the day you decided to attack @Dave Noble when he legit did fuck all wrong and then he retaliates, simple as that.

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As i have said "(i do not have this recorded but one of them might)" i did not have any video of it. But YOU guys might have.


You got the video before all this happens?
No, I don't. It's not relevant anyway as the whole report is to do with why you were shot and dumped.

The video is there,  plain and simple. 

You said this, 

" I had almost no interaction with this person before this, other than telling him to back off after being rude and lippy"

You also said yes to the following question. 

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

I will not be replying again unless staff request me to, as this is a waste of everyone's time. 

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I had almost no interaction with this person before this, other than telling him to back off after being rude and lippy
I also find it really strange you try and lie in an attempt to make @Dave Noble look extremely bad, imagine if he didn't have a video of him showing his pov  of you literally attacking him and almost killing him, now to me that is a dodgy my friend.

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I dont have any more to submit. There is a whole 5-10 minutes before all this started if @Dave Nobleor @ReiSSswould like to post that.
They have stated that nothing else is to be said from them, so ill proceed with what evidence I have. If you manage to find any evidence that could be of assistance then please post it here, and that goes for both sides. I have already asked this but it’s crucial for both sides to understand that the more evidence we have to process the more we have to go off and that means we can make a better-informed decision than a possible foolish one. 

Nothing more from me. 

Thank you. 
Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Is there any Evidence to show the entire situation @Isak Vladislav? There seems to be a lot of context missing here and id like to see the full picture of the situation 

@ReiSSs& @Dave Noble, same to you guys if you have anything that would give me more context please send it in

Scratch that

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After reviewing the evidence provided and referring to another member of Staff, I have come to the following conclusion.

You were aggressive to the accused party, you were punching them talking like a big shot without a care in the world of the repercussions that can take place after such talk. You simply can't expect to talk smack and slap people about and nothing happen from it, in my opinion it was deserved. You should put more thought into what you say and do to others because they might bite back.

As for the dumping: Don't dump someone because you lethally injured them, you could try and expand the RP from that instead of ending it there and then to add that extra layer of quality to the situation at hand. Let's try moving away from the dumping mentality.


Now, I see you have stated they were trolling and harassing you prior to this however no such evidence has been provided so I must go off what I see here and I have given both sides the chance to submit any and all evidence relevant to this situation as a result, I will be declining this report.
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