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Report a player - 187 - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Donny Darc

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 187

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 12/27/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 20

What best describes this incident ?: Fail RP

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Me and 3 prison inmates had managed to take down 2 G6 Guards in prison, when two of us were picking up the guard (there was 3 at one point but he was super gluded to the floor it seemed) with proper rp, even using /me`s to go dump his body he was clearly ignoring the request and failing rp as he knew there were other guards around so we had to be quick, this is clear Fail RP as he knew if he ignored it he would be saved which he was.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Since this report is against members of the Staff team it will be delt with by Staff Leads. 

With that being said @Aryell4Do you have any video evidence of the situation as all that is shown above is a screenshot and that doesn't give us much context in the situation. 

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Hi @Aryell4.

In my defence..

There is an option to Accept OR deny a carry request for a reason. Player's aren't forced to accept a carry, even if you you throw in a /me picks up leg. Also, your evidence is laughable. Please support your report with at least half decent footage.

Furthermore, I've got at least a couple clips of you discussing this report you have put up in game, which in itself is breaking rp, the rule you are reporting me to have broken. 🙂

To jog your memory, you quoted: "You will go bye bye soon. Don't worry though, its not up to me. Thats up to the gods." Footage of these types of statements from yourself will be posted below in due course, once I go through my footage.

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Yeah thats totally fine, I dont have any video as my obs is not working at all atm hence the quick steam screenshot but i do hope this can be resolved as after he woke up he was talking about the incident trying to get me to confess, but when we were trying to pick him up he was silent, the whole thing didnt feel right as he FRP`d and was then trying to punish me after .

the only other thing ive got is a second screenshot around 30s apart https://ibb.co/d7k8MfV i know the evidance isnt alot but it is pretty clear of what he wss doing.


at no point at all did i mention the gods also? when theres 3 people trying to pick you up its pretty obvious the route the rp is going, you chose to stay silent and be supergluded to the floor

okay? even still the whole point of this report is your FailRP, when being picked up not you talking about it after  Cops are fast enough to call out for denying a carry request if its 1 on 1 yet you completey ignored when 3 people were pickig you up as you knew there were other G6 about that would see it was wasnt quick, again at no point i mention the gods so get that right please.

100% Spoke about "throwing a report off". There are other witnesses, the other people who broke out in laughter when you came out with this. But there is no point in going back and fourth over that claim as there is no footage, but i'm sure you recall the things you were saying.

Will no longer be replying, have a good night pal. 👍

lmfao okay so even though theres multiple of you that all heard it and burst of laughing but no footage of me saying it all? seems legit, there was 6 of you.  your reply screams `im staff so i dont have to deal with this`

goodnight pal 

I've said my piece, thats me dealing with it on my behalf 🙂

So having looked through this report and responses overall, The report is for "Fail RP" however there is no video of this situation only screenshots you have provided @Aryell4and with screenshots I cannot know what is going on in the situation fully or what is or isn't being said. All I've got is both sides on the report claiming different things. 

Now to touch on the final response `im staff so i dont have to deal with this`, It should go without saying whilst yes Logan is a staff member, He is in this report responding as a player since the report is delt with by Staff Leads should a staff member be reported. Now if a staff member does break a rule then indeed a report can be made and we will review them however in this case there isn't much for us to go off to determine if any rule was broken from either side.

You did mention that Logan "Woke up", If this is referring to respawning, I can assure you that he was indeed revived in the beds and didn't respawn. Now you've mentioned there we're some /me messages, However without seeing the full situation this would be hard to gage as mentioned what actually happened overall. Whilst I understand that your OBS wasn't open at the time, It's always good to record if you are able to overall.

I'll finish up with the accepting carry requests, Whilst yes there is an option if the RP fits for example then maybe it's a good idea to go along with it. Lets say someone come to RDM you at X location, Then attempts to take you, Why would you accept? However if someone is roleplaying overall with you in a situation to where the roleplay can carry on, Why wouldn't you accept? (Just some food for thought)

I'm not saying in this situation overall what should or shouldn't of happened as I'm simply going off what both sides are saying and no video evidence being provided from either side for us to review. Finally, If there was some breaking of character in this situation, I'd be mindful of this moving forth as well. 

Overall, Since there isn't any evidence I'll be going ahead and denying this report however should you encounter anyone breaking the rules feel free to make a new report moving forth. Hope you both had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! 


Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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