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Report a player - 126 - Roman Phoenix - GTA RP


Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Leo Aven
Reported Players: 126 - Roman Phoenix
Date: Jan 18, 2025
Time: 19:00
What best describes this incident: RDM G1.2
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Roman Phoenix had a warrant out for his arrest due to multiple incidents. Myself and James Turner decide to go Covert to gather information on where he's located, what he's wearing and who he's with so we can gather Firearms to go in for a Snatch and Grab to execute the warrant.
We grab our disguises and a personal car to drive over to Cursed MC Hangout (old 229) and we drove near the area to get some info from distance with binos.

Whilst we are watching from distance just driving around, we hear a bunch of shots being fired from a Firearm, we call it out to Firearms to come over for assistance when they're free. 6 or so shots being fired we start to hear an abundance of explosions from the car pile up they created to which as any curious person would do, they'd want to see what is happening.
So we pull up to see what is happening, when Roman Phoenix begins to open fire on us, taking out our tyres. We panic and reverse to get out of the area after he started to shoot at us.

We went to QE and he explained his side, apparently he "just knew we were CID" as someone called it out on radio but even if he did or didn't know we were police with accurate information, randomly shooting at us with no interaction seemed like a blatant rule break. And this seems like a reoccuring theme as of recent.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jw47C0hw53uSiQX1s?invite=cr-MSxmQlcsMTY2NzkzMTYyLA
We did speak in QE about this situation and I thought Id explained how the days scenario's had played out for us that day. Incase I wasn't clear ill explain the days events that led up to that gun shot and why the shot was fired. Earlier in the day I had a run in with the law and it led to a few of us seeking out the said law enforcement officer to have some serous words with him over the past 2 days RP story ark, that ended in a shootout with losses on both sides, I was arrested along side another member of the club and after being given medical treatment was taken to the PD. after about an hour waiting for the report to be done and in the middle of a police interview the officer was told to bring me and my other club member to reception due to some of my boys having taken hostages and would like to swap, this was completed and we was given some time to head start, so off we went and disappeared for all of 5 mins before we had a Buzzard helicopter onto us chasing us up and down the highway firing machine guns and rockets at us, so we hid in a tunnel for a bit .. then after getting changed we decided to hold down our area, we returned to the area and made road blocks out of cars and took to the roof tops, then after some cars had exploded it made the lads scatter about and not be at there posts, I was still at my post on the building we call small white when I saw a Rinehart pull up on the corner, now take in note that I'm an ex CID officer and was trained in there ways so I no what cars they use, even when its there own as I've got the same cars and did the same thing, the shot was fired because I clocked the car pull up at the same time hearing on the radio CID are in the area and not long after being chased by that chopper, I was still in the frame of mind that my life was in danger, and was expecting the police to show up in force, the shot was a warning shot to back you up the road wile my lads got back in position. To be fair in that video at 1 min 2 sec James Turner says "I'm not gonna go anywhere near him as he will recognise me .. then Leo says "He will recognise both of us". so I'm a bit taken back by the accusation of RDM as they both said i would recognise them and should of been aware of the days events, I hope that now I've explained the days events and frame of mind that you guys are happy with the explanation, I'm sorry if you thought it was shit but I've been loving the RP to be fair and will always try to improve so I will take all criticism on bord
to be fair in that video at 1 min 2 sec James Turner says "I'm not gonna go anywhere near him as he will recognise me .. then Leo says "He will recognise both of us". so I'm a bit taken back by the accusation of RDM as they both said i would recognise them and should of been aware of the days events
This is irrelevant as we were completely disguised and in a personal car BECAUSE you'd recognise us otherwise if we went up close and spoke to you, thats why we were covert wanting to observe without getting close for a chat trying to play it safe

I do understand the events that occured today as we read the warrants and saw the BWV/Evidence posted for it, however I dont think any of those excuse the fact to immediately shoot as soon as someone is close to your "turf" without IDing them, talking or approaching them.

The situations prior ended (Situations being the shootouts, Buzzard chasing you etc) and there was no build up from after those for you to warrant immediate Shoot on sight for us approaching
I am sorry you feel this way, You say you understand my point of view but if you did then I'm sure we wouldn't be going back and forth right now, In my opinion if you had heard about the days events then you should understand that my MC was on high alert and waiting for the police to show up in force, You say that I shouldn't no who you was as you was covert, please understand me when I say this them Rinehart's are famous for being CID cars, I have one myself, do you no when I brought it ? .. when I was in CID, You guys pulled up right on the corner of the roof I was watching from, Along side being told that CID are on the beach and the kayos that was going on at the time with the explosions I saw you pull up and fired at your car in an attempt to back you up the road, in my mind and due to how engrossed into the story I was, I thought it was about to kick off big time. It had been hours of back and forth with the MC and police, I'm not sure how long you had been in city when this event happened but but it was hours for me and the lads, It was a big RP situation we was in all day, once again I'm sorry if your not happy with that, I play this server for the story lines and sometimes maybe I get a bit deep into it and walk some fine lines but I do think moving forward we can both take something from this and find a silver lining, I do hope there is no hard feelings Leo.
I already explained my side, and why I think it still doesn't warrant an immediate shoot on sight
If you have a clip of your side that'd be good but if not theres not much more for me to say other than repeating what I've said so we will have to wait for staff to give a verdict - No hard feelings, it's just too frequent of a thing from what I've seen
Frequent thing? I think that's a matter of opinion and your right to have but I strongly disagree, I put in a lot of time into my story ark and do my best to be better at this every day, The way I see it if you new about the days events and the Heli shooting Rockets at us then why would you come so close to the clubhouse to as you said "gather information?".. we just got away with our lifes we are obviously gonna be tooled up and ready for the final showdown hence the road blocks, we was still in the middle of our RP story, That was why I shot at your car .. our story was still going I thought it was about to go down and I was buying a few seconds backing you guys down the road it came over the radio twice that CID was in the area, unfortunately I deleted the clips of that day as i no it would of helped a lot right now, I've said I'm sorry if you felt it was shit there isn't much else I can say other then that, you say I fired with no RP, I'm saying i was still deep in my RP story ark, I guess this one is in the hands of the gods .. no hard feeling on my side Leo
Good evening @Naffen & @Roman Phoenix

The attack, from the perspective of Roman Phoenix, although uncorroborated, is allegedly not random. However, RDM isn't solely about an attack being random; it's also predicated on whether or not high-quality roleplay took place before the attack.

From the footage attached to the report, no high-quality roleplay took place before the attack. No roleplay took place, thus, this is RDM. Yes, your character might be paranoid and concerned about actions taking place against their group, but this doesn't allow a 'shoot on sight' mentality.

Report Approved - Action Taken

Char ID: 113193
Rule(s): G1.2
1 Day Ban