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Reign of Kings


Florida, USA
I've seen people playing this on the teamspeak server?

Is it any good, it looks like a fast paced Life is Feudal 

Is it like Life is Feudal where you have to build up skills and time, or can anyone equip armor and weapons. 

all im saying is cardoso is more creative than i ever will be

It's great as far as Alpha games go. There are a few things you have to endure (framerate drops, bugs, lag, etc.), but it's worth the £15 (or regional equivalent) that it costs to get the bloody thing.

There are no skills, at least not so far. So anyone can equip armour/weapons with no prerequisites that need to be met. That said, the situation may change as the game is updated over time.

My only real quarrels with the game at present are the framerate drops and the comparatively small map, but again, it's an Alpha so it basically doubles as an endurance test until things 'improve'.

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Just a video where someone tricked the King into their castle, speared him to death, and then hung his poor attache to death for the hell of it.

I think I'm sold.


First five minutes in the game someone tied me up, dragged me to their camp, put me in stocks and then stabbed me to death.

Still safer than Kavala!

Levi likes to take hobos and lock them up in his basement..... It's a sexual fetish he has.

Hahah it's super fun, make sure to join ROK channels when you see people there and if you are playing :)

First five minutes in the game someone tied me up, dragged me to their camp, put me in stocks and then stabbed me to death.

Still safer than Kavala!
Same exact thing happened to me, but it was my friends that kidnapped me :(
