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Refused ban (Denied)

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Members account locked by Request
I quote Vladic Ka, on why he denied my unban request..

"Ok you obviously don't get that you have done anything wrong here.


Now I'm going to quote myself on several occasions,

"yes I did hit someone"

I've done something wrong I know that"

rules are rules, I get that"

This guy clearly doesn't get my point...

Is there something wrong with him? no offense, but I didn't exactly ask for him to be a massive dick with me? so why is he being so aggressive... completely unprofessional...

You say all that, then deny doing it here: Quote from you: But I didn't.. and you can quite clearly see that from the video

but I didn't Interrupt anyone's role play is what I meant.. I don't see how it can be seen any other way..

Well, the last thing Vladic said was: You break the rules and get banned. You then reply with your previous statement.

I suppose that makes sense, I definitely didn't mean to imply I haven't broken the rules cause I know I had... I mean't I didn't Interrupt anyone's role play, my mistake I should of worded it correctly...

You got denied because I wasn't happy that you wouldn't do it again "all in good humor"

I still dont think you realize that this is a SERIOUS roleplay server.

I do understand this is a serious role play server that's my point, my point is I fucked up and I don't exactly know what you want me to do to resolve it? I know I'm completely in the wrong that's why I'm trying to make a point in why I did it, to make you understand, instead of just straight up banning me for eternity, Its all in good humor is just my way of saying I did something wrong but at least nothing bad actually happened out of it.. other than me breaking the rules...

Well not much to say really, Vladic Ka banned me for so called VDM when yes I did hit someone but they ran in front of me I was clearly on the road was completely Ignorant to what I had to say.. Also got me killed just to prove some point which obviously is nothing...

I feel like I was completely unjustified...
Also he was already banned here:

Ill leave the original unban and my video here and Ill let someone else make the call here.

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You had one chance witch in my opinion is extremely lucky in the first place, you then break the  trust and do it again. This to me only shows that you should have gone the first time. Im agreeing with my fellow admin and refusing your 2nd unban. 

Rejected > Reason(^) > Date 29/12/14

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