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Reason for Alex's ban?

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Hi! My in-game nickname is Alex. I was banned yesterday with reason:

You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Admin Ban)

It's default BE reason for administration bans if actual reason is not provided. So, can you explain please why was I banned for?

RDM on an unreal scale (which i assume is because you have no working mic) + suspected hacking. Ive been watching you for a few days now watching how you play, and its fishy as hell. Sitting in the most random towns and bushes miles away from anyone or thing and once again letting your crosshair hover over people that come semi close to those locations. 

I have no idea how you snipe with the mk18 with MRCO(and you never have a different scope on you, ive watched remember) at some of those distances ive watched you, and your hip firing to kill people, looking through rocks and houses at people i wouldnt know where there unless i had my admin tools on (sorry but when you point your cross hair straight over them all the time, it gets a bit obvious).

Im pretty sure also ive seen you pull a rahim out of your backside while up in Sofia, but it blew my mind so much i cant confim if you simply bought it and then re bought your mk18 as you was semi close to the shop.

- CSI Mitch

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CSI Mitch thanks for reply.

I have working mic, but can't always speak, because have a little daughter. Sometime she's sleeping on my knees. For example last time when I was involved in drug dealing with [TK] gang ([TK]Opie, [TK]David]), I spoke in a whisper combining with typing in group channel.

There're few basic rules formed from OFP times and used by experienced players

1. Do not stay close to other people if you don't know them or you will be dead.
2. Do not trust anyone or you will be dead
3. Do not trust the rules because people (including server admins (in general)) break it very often. So being inside the green zone / spawn / any kind of protected zone in any game mode doesn't guarantee safety. Even if someone will be banned you will lose everything (as usual). You just get lower online instead of giving some kind of limitations for DMers in rights (such as he can't buy weapons/licenses etc)
4. Stay away from random cars or you will be dead.
5. Stay away from cops or you will be mugged, stunned, arrested, raped for any reason.
6. Stay away from the places with a lot of people like ATMs, spawn zones, shops, factories, plants and especially weapon shops/traders/dealers or you will be dead.
7. I don't like action, I like to observe and gather information.

You are able to post complains on the forums, but it's just videogame. You have to waste your time for typing posts about DMers and you will not get anything for that. Instead of complaining and crying I prefer to adhere to that rules or wait for DMer when he come to red zone to kill/rape him.

8. Collect information. There are a lot of ways to collect information in TAW_Tonic's Life, because server settings and mission design are very badly coded and unreasoned. For example if you remember last person Person_A is in Town_A but you're in Town_B and you're looking for Person_B, you just need to catch the message "Person_B is robbing Person_A". It's broadcasted over the server. So you know where Person_B is.

Another way is using Regular difficulty on your server with players/vehicles markers turned on. Loud vehicles or identified (by your bot) objects are marked on the map with specified icons. It may be changed in server profile file. But people like it.

looking through rocks and houses at people

Very-very powerfull way - 3rd person view. That thing is overpowered, you're able to see over obstacles, rocks, small buildings, etc being in the safe place. Your mistake is in that you're observing me with your admin spectator script using internal camera. Internal camera shows the view from unit's eyes instead of actual external camera view. 3rd person is an external camera which used by me if I'm behind the rocks/trees/wall/any other object. That is power of 3rd person view! You are in the safe place and nobody sees you but you see everyone!

Group markers and group chat when you're spying someone in the unlocked gang.

Bot commanding interface (F1...F10). Oh yeah! It allows you to identify the target even it's on 5000+ meters away from you. As in case with 3rd person view it's server-side setting designed for co-op and SP game modes. But you allowed that in MP for Regular difficulty. It works even you're inside the vehicle in A3 (in A2 it worked a bit another way). And yes, it's not HC interface, just in case :)

Lights and sound.

Regular routes like airport road, Kavala main road etc

A lot of people type in blue channel that they do now and they don't understand their mistake.

System chat - there are a lot of interesting events displayed in system chat such as someone/something was ticketed/arrested/sent to jai/killed/scrapped/impounded/etc. It's very easy to understand where event going is. Yep, thanks to oldish Tonic's scripts based on A2 life concept (base on A:AA and OFP): broadcast everything about everyone.

If you played A a lot (like me, I play OFP series since 2001) the conditions of the Life's "Universe" are very easy to understand.

If you see me staying on the same place 5-30 min, just know - I'm gathering info now or probably AFK for a bit. This is only way to stay alive a long time. Or prepare to be dead by getting shot in back, killed by glitched car (due bad netcode), raped by police, etc

ARCO/RCO/MRCO allows you to hit targets up to 800m. It's not very far. Iron sights allow you to hit targets up to 400-600m depending on fire mode: suppressive/disturbing/aimed fire. MRCO has clean optic sight, so I prefer to use MRCO.

Im pretty sure also ive seen you pull a rahim out of your backside while up in Sofia, but it blew my mind so much i cant confim if you simply bought it and then re bought your mk18 as you was semi close to the shop.
Yep. I accidently purchased Izhmash VS-121 instead of Mk. 16 EBR and then sold it for zero pounds (no idea why the bid price of the gun was set to 0). I lost ~200k because MRCO also was sold accidently. That was a bit retarded. VS-121 has better accuracy (0.00058 vs 0.0007) but 10 rounds in mag and no way to attach flashlight so I decided to buy EBR but in mind was thinking about VS-121.

What about RDM? Almost all killed people were in the red zone. I guess there are no restrictions for killing anyone?

Last time I killed two cops next to Kavala while covering [TK] gang selling drugs. One cop began to shoot the our heli and what should I do? Let my gang members to die? We were working as single unit and if someone is in trouble I must (or any other gangster) help him. The second cop (PSCO Tactic) was coming to the chopper and I had killed him too. He PMed me - that is RDM. That is NOT RDM when your friends are under fire. It's just silly to get a bullets in your chest and cry in direct communication "Help me don't shoot you're DMing f...g cop, you're bad cop, I'll call an admin." You just will be dead as usual and will lose everything (yep, as usual). We DIDN'T kiled a RANDOM cop. I assumed that cops also work as single unit and there are no random cops at all. If some of cops is being at some place it should be coordinated and all others know about that. PSCO Tactic was not informed about actions of others and what are they doing now. That is bad work.

We killed two armed cops that came to us while we tried to escape from Kavala with a lot of money. And... we managed to escape.

I began to type messages to PSCO Tactic and got banned in process, cz I was driving and typing at the same time. I managed to sent one message.

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3. Do not trust the rules because people (including server admins (in general)) break it very often. So being inside the green zone / spawn / any kind of protected zone in any game mode doesn't guarantee safety. Even if someone will be banned you will lose everything (as usual). You just get lower online instead of giving some kind of limitations for DMers in rights (such as he can't buy weapons/licenses etc)
Ok, there is plenty more in this post i would like to go into. But until you go by the rules, trust the rules, and trust the server admins to do the right job correctly. I will be denying this ban request.

- CSI Mitch 

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