Yeah I did but it was Swiper who I really needed though but someone had a miss-understandment and thought i was advertising when i really needed Steven arnott for real life issues.
@Wilco can not be reached through PM. You need to either TAG him (like I just did) here on the forums, or you need to establish contact through TS. Going through the Chain of Admins and not directly to him.
Yeah unfortunately I'm not going to appeal my team speak ban for "advertising" because I was trying to contact Steven arnott / Jordan but I tried contacting the guy in the channel to tell him to tell Jordan but unfortunately he didn't tell Jordan about the real life issue we both needed to talk about, but it's not wilco I need I am in need of maratek hopefully I will get unbanned just because I spoke to a guy to send it Steven for the real life issue.
Please just be patient Send Maratek ONE message explaining what happened and Im sure he will have a look into it. Just please don't spam or make topics about this .. this generally never helps and just annoys a person even more.