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Reactor P Attempted VDM and Restraint Glitch

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Anonymous Eagle

Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Reactor P
Time & Date this happened: 29/11/2014 Around 10pm
Description of what happened: Reactor P sped straight at me and two other Police officers (PC iMegastorm and SPC Gurlanin) He made no attempt to avoid us just came straight for us on his go kart but missed all 6 of us there, We restrained him and started to question him when he then glitched the restraints and ran off
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)


Hello. I deeply apologise for this inconvenience... It looks like I was trying to run you guys over, but here is my side of the story; My Arma 3 tends to lag out and I lose control over my vehicle because it freezes up... I lost control, and tipped over. You guys restrained me, and then the other guy that was there lock picked my handcuffs. 

I know "GoCarts" aren't allowed, but I like to drive them around just for the thrill of it. Again, I'm really sorry. 

My opinion about the police is that it is too easy for them to do their job. With their stupid tazers, their restrains and all the rubber bullets. I think all this makes it too easy, therefore I try to make it a little more difficult.

Also in the video, you can see I just lose control and I couldn't even turn. If I wanted to VDM, It wouldn't be too hard to turn just a little bit.

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being a cop you should at least know that people can lock pick restraints >.< haha

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