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Rdm'd by ulfe (e has an accent)

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New member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Ulfé
(Had to copy and paste the e with accent)
Time & Date this happened: 28/12/14 00:20 (ish)
Description of what happened:To give background, my ingame name is Vadallat and I was in Kavala, Willingly I jumped into ulfe and another person's car I do not recall the name, They did not dispute me getting into the vehicle, we drove to the clothing's store I got out, ulfe knocked me out and shot me as seen in the video that I will attach. this was plain rdm he said nothing to me, just shot.

(Link to rdm video)

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In fact, I told you that you could report me as you please, since I didnt do anything wrong nor rdm'ing you. 

"Go write that report and please stfu"

Not to fuck off =) 


Im currently uploading video where both Ulfe and James Dean RDM'd us. I will post it on new thread later today. Hope these kids get banned (seems like they have more than one reports already)


Ursae Minoris

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