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Rdm+Vdm Before Restart In Green Zone

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Sonny Pebble

Lost MC
   In-game name:

Brother Bloom 

Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile):


What was lost:

Lost a trg, with 5 magazines, a rock  pistol, with 5 magazines, my 500k (as i took it out the bank, due to me going to purchase a truck), and a  carryall back-pack, plus a chest rig.

Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total):

 all in all, around 600k lost

Quick description of what happened:

I was standing, in a greenzone, near the dvla, and this person ( ingame name was princess shannon, i believe) i had withdrawn some money, 500k as stated to go buy a license and a truck, but as i took the money out, i was run over, and shot in the head by princess shannon most of my gear was taken, pistol and trg, and the medics could not get to me, as it was close to restart so i eneded up loosing all my items. This princess shannon then went on, to rdm several people leading up to the restart, includng one of my friends.

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I'm only posting here because i mean he is saying i mass RDM'd ?

We were at the gold buyer with about 19 mills worth of gold a hobo who ahd been told to leave lots and lots of time then ran into the gold buyer he pulled out a gun aimed it  at a few people then stayed in the building we had a guy looking at the back door since the start and people watching the front we gave him 10 secs to come out or we will send someone in.... 

Now i mean a hobo with a gun a rook i think it was we had been telling him to leave as he was running around the gold trucks and so on then he gave him plenty of time to leave or die, he picked die, so i ran up the street to go i the gold buyer and kill him as i was the only one with a vermin i was told over and over that there was only one hobo i went in first person came around into the shop where someone had a gun aimed and drawn i shot him thinking he was the hobo who had been trolling us the one we gave plenty of time to leave (we were 100% sure there was only one person in there) Bother seemed to have spawned in just before i peeked, i ran up up to the 2nd floor to check and was shot at by the hobo which i then killed. 

I messaged you as soon as this happend over and over about 4 messages i said i will comp you fully and i said sorry , it was a huge misunderstanding.

Your story.... is lies ? i have only ever killed one bloom and that was at the gold buyer. This was also a while ago, about 5 days or 4 days + ? (i'm not 100% sure on the bloom but they only one i remember shooting was brother bloom in the story above)

I messaged you lots and explained what went on you or your other bloom friends never messaged me back...

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Lack of evidence, and no RDM report.


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