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[RDM] TBP Johnny Smith

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Professional Troll
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
[TBP] Johnny Smith
Time & Date this happened:
Approx 10:00 GMT 28.08.15
Which Server did this happen on:
Server 1
Description of what happened:
Myself and PC Schwayze were near the Kavala drug dealer after a male with a firearm was tasered and restrained. I was standing by to listen to events and was then taken down by TBP Johnny Smith from a round which sounds like it was fired at distance. No prior RP from the player involved.
What Rule Was Broken ?:
3B) RDM - Random Death Match
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
No. We believe he was RDM'ing others in the area too and he disconnected shortly afterwards.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
First of all sorry if I shot you without warnings, I thought that my friend ( who got arrested ) shouted to you guys ''put your hands up''.
Second as far as I know, you always need to get someone on teamspeak if they broke a rule and talk about it.
Third of all I disconnected shortly afterwards? that was atleast 10 minutes later when combat already ended.
If you can then I would like to talk on teamspeak with you about this, and sorry for killing you.

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First of all sorry if I shot you without warnings, I thought that my friend ( who got arrested ) shouted to you guys ''put your hands up''.
Second as far as I know, you always need to get someone on teamspeak if they broke a rule and talk about it.
Third of all I disconnected shortly afterwards? that was atleast 10 minutes later when combat already ended.
If you can then I would like to talk on teamspeak with you about this, and sorry for killing you.

I'd concede that regarding the disconnect time, I didn't notice exactly when you went offline but it was in the region of 10 minutes later that I tried getting in touch and noticed you weren't on.

Whether Ghost shouted something to Schwayze I guess is going to wait until he gets back on to answer as I didn't hear it, but I also wasn't there very long. As you can see I only just pulled up to the situation, but his first reaction was the same as mine as he shortly thereafter said he had been recording too and offered to upload the footage if I needed it. I'll double check with Schwayze once he is back online but what I have above is the most I know on the situation. I'll start rendering the footage from another minute or so earlier too and upload that just for the record as I might have missed something that may back up the claim for you or Ghost.

Once Schwayze is back on I'll check TS for you. As the above is my whole extent of knowledge for the situation, I don't think there is much more I could add until Ghost or Schwayze clarify for us.

Hey I am TBP Ghost i am not sticking up for johnny and it was a bad idea yeah but anyway. There was so many people talking at once and i did say to the cops up your hands up or they will get shoot. They didn't mostly because they could not hear me but i didn't really want to go to jail. We had 4-5 guys in position to take out the cops to save me. There was arguing within the ts because we didn't really know what to do so people where saying shoot or not shoot. I was not talking in my radio (in Team speak) i had my sound muted so i could not talk to them because i don't really want to get banned because of meta gaming. We had an unarmed civ that was listening in with the cops in the role play and he did hear me say up your hands up. But maybe we can fix this and it want go into the banning faze. So hopefully we can sort things out and be ok with this problem. I really want to say a couple things about Johnny. He is a good leader and never breaks the rules only when bad things happen like this. So hopefully he want get banned because the gang will miss him Thanks for listening Thanks Ghost

Moderators/admins: Could I retract the report please, or if not ask no further action is taken on the matter and we'll figure this out with a private kiss & make-up session? I feel given they have both been quite chilled on the matter and having seen others in their gang today they have all been upstanding in their play. That combined with perhaps my own haste to report instead of waiting out to find a second opportunity to talk to them has perhaps taken this further than it would have otherwise gone. We all mistakes and I don't feel one mistake should be held against people.

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