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RDM Jimmy (Rejected - Resolved)

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To be fair to him you guys did initiate rp on him by telling him to stop and point guns at him u should have shot him when he got a gun out

I was with Gc in an Ifrit after they got me in there when they scrapped my Mohawk, UNMC checkpoint is being sieged by Gc as the two that were robbing me have told me they are Gc. I assume that these two are with them due to aiming at the UNMC base with guns, I am taking revenge for the robbery. I will admit my wrong doing in that I should have told him to stop first, but I think if someone had just lost millions in real life they would not be empathetic to those who are associated with those who have stolen everything that they had. I cannot justify this. I apologize for what may be considered breaking a server rule. It was heat of the moment after I had just lost what I had spent the whole time on the server to get. Hope you can see it from my point of view. 

Offcourse i had my gun out didn't say stand still to that is a mistake in the report i told him to move along. I HAD NO SIGNS ON ME FROM BEING PART OF GC. The other guys were in the tower so here you also could not know this was GC. 

Why were you armed at a siege on the checkpoint if you were not with Gc? 

buddy how did you know it was gc at the checkpoint tell me, other guys were in the tower you just read it of my name and killed me because you were mad about getting your chopper scrapped. it is part of the game doesn't give you the right to walk up to someone and shoot him in the face.

Because i was in the Ifrit with Jack Sona and some other guy who was bragging about why Gc is the best so I knew they were from Gc.....

Read my first post.

Whatever happens, happens.

I would prefer to stay as it was just a mistake with lack of caution. If not then it was fun :)

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