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RDM Comp request (Completed 13/10/2014)

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Community Banned
On a roof in Kavala
In-game name: Kris

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561197984577610


What was lost: Ghillie, backpack, hat, chest rig, food & water, zipties, lockpicks, MXC & Vermin / Mags


Value of item/money lost: £150,000

Quick description of what happened: I was conducting some business in Kavala when people started talking about an RDM'er, I saw a police car lying in the middle of the road, approached it and was shot by the RDM'er.

(I believe the person in question has already been banned).

YouTube link for evidence: 

RDM'ed me aswell. Luckily I got the police to revive me as there were no medics online.

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