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RDM by Stefan - Awaiting more evidence (Rejected - Lack of evidence)

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Sorry, started a new post for visibility, as the other has been moved to 'Action Taken'.

Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Stefan
Time & Date this happened: 15/12/2014 20:27
Description of what happened: Very simple - pulled up at gun store near Kavala, and then immediately shot on site. No RP, nothing - I didn't even see him so I guess he was hiding in the tower.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Well, as it happens, after being revived and going back to Kavala to pick up more party supplies (I was trying to throw a party for the police force), I headed back to the gun store. Just by iron trader I was spiked, fixed my vehicle, pulled away, and as I did the same guy appears and starts shooting at me. Again.
This time however, for some strange reason he decided to open his gob. After proceeding to rob me again, I decided to have a little chat, in which he admitted to RDM. He did indeed give me the initial £30,000 he took from the RDM, but refused to give me the £80,000 from the second robbery - the one that happened purely because I had to go back again after his initial RDM.
But as always, this isn't about money. Although I'm pissed at losing about £180,000 from his actions, I'm more pissed that people like that inhabit the server.
And as a bonus 'icing on the cake', when I eventually got revived by the exemplary G.P Lionel, I got another shot to the head. Sweet RP.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
So, as far as evidence, the initial RDM wasn't on record. Thankfully the second time I ran into him he admitted to RDM in plain English. As far as I understand, he has also RDM'd some others this evening in the same spot.
So, as I said, I don't have video evidence of the RDM - the one time I don't record, of course this happens. If you recall a ban report I made before I think 7 people got banned with zero video evidence provided. Although Maratek was there to back up my claims, and the video was on HDD, still - I am always true to my word. On this occasion, the evidence I have is the accused himself admitting to RDM. I quote..

Me: OK remember last time, I was over there at the gun trader wearing exactly the same

Stefan: Yea

Me: And you just opened fire on me.

Stefan: Yea

Me: No words, nothing, remember?

Stefan: Oh yeh

Me: Huh?

Stefan: Yeah I remember

Me: Well

Stefan: I'm sorry

That is a clear admission of RDM.

Also, my last report he replied in his defense - "I admit to be partially guilty of Rdm"

Another admission! The accused has now twice admitted to RDMing me at the gun trader.

As you did ask for the events leading up to this, I can only give my word - I drove up to the gun trader, crashed my offroad on the bend a little, busting a tire. I got out to fix it, then came the RDM. Would the accused like to dispute this fact too? If I did something different, please say.

Finally, if I may address the defense directly. I quote again - "Admin he is lying although I admit to be partially guilty of Rdm this guy is bs'ing quite a bit "

Please enlighten me, what exactly am I lying about, and where exactly am I bs'ing quite a bit? Feel free to quote me darling, I love it.

Sorry for the novel.

DainMK R.J.Kalloway

Unable to do anything without seeing it in a video, Sorry next time make sure your recording the whole event so I can issue the ban.

If it was RDM usually people reoffend so no doubt we will see his name again.

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