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RDM by INS JohnJoeegan (Action: Ban Issued 19/01/2015)

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Computer Janitor
Dev Team
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Firefighter
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): INS JohnJoeegan
Time & Date this happened: approx 2am 15/01/2015
Description of what happened: See explanation here: 
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
See above link
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
Also in above link.
Posted as there was a fight over this in the rebel meeting, and needs to be sorted at admin level.
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Firstly i can see from that post that the rebels/gangs have a massive lack of understanding on how the Police works in terms of command, The gun boat and the Ghost hawk are highly monitored and not a bullet is fired unless authorised by someone up the chain.

RDM complaint against JohnJoeegan denied (He was infact just following a command to shoot however more thought on his part is the feedback that should be given, there was no thought on firstly a warning message and secondly warning shots)

RDM complaint against Maratek for giving the order approved 

Reading this comment by Ciaran "there was a fight over this in the rebel meeting, and needs to be sorted at admin level." and some of the things i am hearing going on in that room tonight about suggestions about AI etc makes me think that some people are completely deluded and do not understand this server nor roleplay and this is why Kris is in there and not me so things can be filtered out so i hear only the good suggestions and constructive issues but back to the point.

The question is what do the rebels want from this... for me to ban Maratek from the server ? Kick him from the Police ? the guy has been here along time and has nothing but good intentions and has but a vast number of hours in making improvements to the Police and the quality that comes out of them along with his senior ranked officers.

I agree this should not have happened in my view is to move on from this event and put rules in place that only NPA's Ghosthawk gunners need to be called out for choppers with warning messages beforehand.

However before i close this i would like to hear from @unconnected and unconnected only if this is acceptable and what is his views on this.

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@Wilco, sorry it took me so long to reply.

Let me begin by saying I don't want anyone to be banned, be it @Commander Maratek, or @. Lots of things have been said recently, some of it in anger and I would like to apologise for the tone of some of my posts in the previous thread in the PCC. I would also like to apologise to you, as I appreciate it's ended up in your lap to sort out.

I spoke to Maratek in the aforementioned meeting and as far as I am concerned the issue is now resolved. I could have given more information to the police, the police could have given more information to myself. Hopefully in the future with the addition of the rules you have outlined this communication breakdown won't happen and all parties will be aware of what's going on.

As for the command structure of the police; in regard to orders, I will be the first to raise my hand and say that I was surprised at the nature of it, I didn't understand that was the level of roleplay you guys undertook and perhaps that was naive of me.

Again, I'm sorry to everyone involved, especially JohnJoeegan, who I understand is a very good player on the police force (lots of people have complimented you and you should be proud of that).

@unconnected Thank you Sir It means alot! I would also like to apologize and also ill make sure it wont happen again :)

@Wilco, sorry it took me so long to reply.

Let me begin by saying I don't want anyone to be banned, be it @Commander Maratek, or @. Lots of things have been said recently, some of it in anger and I would like to apologise for the tone of some of my posts in the previous thread in the PCC. I would also like to apologise to you, as I appreciate it's ended up in your lap to sort out.

I spoke to Maratek in the aforementioned meeting and as far as I am concerned the issue is now resolved. I could have given more information to the police, the police could have given more information to myself. Hopefully in the future with the addition of the rules you have outlined this communication breakdown won't happen and all parties will be aware of what's going on.

As for the command structure of the police; in regard to orders, I will be the first to raise my hand and say that I was surprised at the nature of it, I didn't understand that was the level of roleplay you guys undertook and perhaps that was naive of me.

Again, I'm sorry to everyone involved, especially JohnJoeegan, who I understand is a very good player on the police force (lots of people have complimented you and you should be proud of that).

@unconnected no worries! without you raising it then no rules would of been put in place so i see it as a step in the right direction in improving the server.

I will get these in when i rewrite the rules on the weekend/ early next week.

The Police are heavily role-played if there was a way we could put collar numbers on people or create in-game radios etc without making this a modded server then we would have it.

To a roleplay server especially a UK themed one if the Police role-play isn't right then the rest of the server will not follow, Yes now and again things are questionable and everyone moans about them being OP but i always explain it like this...

Can you buy spike strips in B&Q ?... Can i go out and buy a Police helicopter or there guns in the UK ?... the answer is no and against 120 people on a server 20-30 cops spread across the map are highly outnumbered the way i see it is that the rebels have the massive upper hand and this is why i hate the alliances that all the groups are making.

The red-zone is meant to be a place of danger for all rebels, a scary and risky place to go, I might rename it to the friendly zone!

Anyway going off topic!

No need to say sorry! all is good and the Police will learn from this and move on, I am personally surprised it has taken 11 months for a gunboat to shoot a chopper down without warning and going forward it will fall under NPAS and the armed ghosthawk.

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