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rdm .. bad rp..


Well-known member
hi .
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Boris the blade
Time & Date this happened: about 7:40 AM GMT 
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Which Server did this happen on: server 1
Description of what happened: Boris the blade asked for car keys .. i said alright i was going to give him then he shot me .. 
What Rule Was Broken ?: bad rp ? or rdm i dont know really 
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: no
Please post video evidence/screenshots here

Please keep in mind that khaled2244 ran into his vehicle  witch he was not to pleased about.

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i ran into my vehicle ??? he said give me the keys i said alright .. as you can ""see"" and ""hear""  and then he shot me .. in milli sec :)  

Since I am being reported I have the right to comment here yes?

1) Wayne showed only the last few seconds of the scenario. He almost VDMed our truck as a result i took a hard turn and smashed into a wall. Ash, who was with me was speaking to Wayne while I repaired my red off road.

2) After approaching wayne I told him tht he should learn how to drive, knocked him out with my fist and robbed his skinny bum for 11k. By this time Wayne should have a reasonable picture of what kind of people he is dealing with.

3) I pointed a gun at him and said give me your keys...

To which Wayne decides to be cheeky with me and instead of saying "Pls dont kill me Ill do as you say" he had the nerve to ask why and then blab "is that right" when I threatened his life. At which point it is a clear indication to me tht I am dealing with a troll who does not wishes to rp any further. Since Boris the blade (my character) is a man of short fuse for trolls death was delivered.

Perhaps this will be a good lesson to Wayne not to try and sound cheeky when staring at 2 armed men and instead of sayin "Is that right" say "Pls dont kill me I am giving you the keys right now" or something in that nature.

Thank you, I have nothing further to add.

P.S. I was informed by Ash that Wayne/Khaled said "alright" which I apparently heard as "is that right". Still, pull the lolly pop tht ur sucking on out of ur mouth and say CLEARLY "Dont kill me I am giving you the keys".

Papabear87 aka Boris the blade.

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the car crash ? dude its a part of the game .. not my problem if you didnt hear what i said correctly .. your mate heared it verry well as you said .. anyway we wait for the admins .. if you want me to post the whole video starting from the crash just tell .. i'll be happy to do that 

It is apart of the game, and so is misunderstanding in speech, he generally thought you said "is that right", even though i heard it.

literally after the scenario happened and you posted this report, he turned around to me and asked me "what did he say". I said "he said alright", he then continued to say "oh shit i thought he said is that right" witch is understandable considering the way you pronounced it and him being a different nationality to me and you . Anyway i don't know if this is any help on what was running through his characters head at the time.

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anyway .. the video shows everything i guess everyone sees the video can clearly hear "alright" .. lets wait for the admins .. 

Uploading a video of Boris refusing to drop his backpack even after having a gun pointed at him. His excuse was that there was 'important' docs in the bag and that if he was killed they couldn't see what was inside. I told him that this was a game mechanic but he still tried to make excuses.

It was an important bag with government docs which I decided to die for. Thats my rp. Since you didnt take the docs you found them useless to you since you are a hobo and hobos dont understand shit in gov docs all you people look for is money and guns. 

Hence I did not break any rules in both of the  scenarios I acted in character and did not RDM or anything.

-Boris the blade

you knew i cant take the bag .. if its real life .. you would throw your bag cause if i kill you im taking it anyway .. you are not worthing your life here .. thats a bad rp .. 

Get this straight, both of you. There is no such thing as game mechanics or what ever you speak of in game, there is RP and only RP.

If I say that my bag is full of fairy dust then you better damn get your hands dirty in fairy dust while looking in my bag. If I say there are docs in the bag then there are docs. What you are implying is called meta gaming. If I give you my business card and tell you that my name on that card is "Big Daddy" then you better be calling me "Big Daddy" till the end of the scenario. That's what RP is all about.

Now if you are not happy with me sacrificing my life for something that I strongly believe in then deal with it. If you are not happy with me killing you because of your pronunciation then you better make sure that the man with the gun understands you.

Besides, whether to kill you or not at the end of a scenario is up to the person with the gun therefore even If I would receive the keys from you, I could still kill you and say tht according to my RP I am a blood thirsty killer who is getting gang rep based on civilians killed. 

Boris the blade.

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