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RDM and other RP questions by a nab


New member
Athens, Greece
Hello everyone!

(I really wanted my first post not to be a noobish one but oh well...)

Yesterday evening I was hauling iron from the Iron Processing plant to Athira. I noticed an orange SUV tailing me so I decided to take a shortcut to Athira through the Iron trader, north of the apple field, but unfortunately I didn't lose him, he was still on my tail. Right after exiting the road the SUV started ramming me on what I presume was supposed to be PIT maneuver attempts, and shortly afterwards a second car, a red hatchback if I correctly recall, joined the "fight". I tried to lose them, but you know how fast a HEMTT box is on ground, right? I really didn't want to try to VDM them, but during their attempts to stop me, the red hatchback crashed, driver died. The SUV driver hopped off and started shooting at the tires, with me frantically trying to run off. Slowly, like a snail trying to overrun a cat. After he shot off half the truck's tires, bringing me to a full stop, he approaced the driver's cabin from the sides and, again with no verbal or written contact whatsoever, opened fire, killing me instantly. 

First question: Since the first time I saw the first SUV until the moment I died there was no RP initiation, he/they never stated their clear intentions through voice or text, they never asked or ordered me to stop. With this in mind, would the above actions be considered RDM? I mean yes, he was following me, he gave me hints he was hostile but nothing more, he went from "tailing from a distance, overtaking once or twice" to "full ramming mode" in a second and without notice.

I will not report them (I actually never got their names) due to lack of proof, I'm just wondering if their actions fall withing RP limits or not. Also, if those actions are indeed punishable, without having any solid proof (video etc) am I eligible for a compensation on my lost iron ingots?

For the record I managed to find my truck half an hour later back in Kavala, after what I presumed it was a firefight between those two and the police. Thankfully they did not scrap it. I recovered it, but only 25 iron ingots were still inside (I had ~180 after processing it on the plant). Which brings me to my second question: Am I allowed to recover my stolen/lost stuff (cars, items etc) after the 15 minutes of the NLR have passed? 

Thank you in advance and apologies for the noobish (and possibly stupid) questions! I'm new to ALUK and RP in general, and since I'm loving it I don't want to ruin it for me as well as for others  :D


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Hello everyone!

(I really wanted my first post not to be a noobish one but oh well...)

Yesterday evening I was hauling iron from the Iron Processing plant to Athira. I noticed an orange SUV tailing me so I decided to take a shortcut to Athira through the Iron trader, north of the apple field, but unfortunately I didn't lose him, he was still on my tail. Right after exiting the road the SUV started ramming me on what I presume was supposed to be PIT maneuver attempts, and shortly afterwards a second car, a red hatchback if I correctly recall, joined the "fight". I tried to lose them, but you know how fast a HEMTT box is on ground, right? I really didn't want to try to VDM them, but during their attempts to stop me, the red hatchback crashed, driver died. The SUV driver hopped off and started shooting at the tires, with me frantically trying to run off. Slowly, like a snail trying to overrun a cat. After he shot off half the truck's tires, bringing me to a full stop, he approaced the driver's cabin from the sides and, again with no verbal or written contact whatsoever, opened fire, killing me instantly. 

First question: Since the first time I saw the first SUV until the moment I died there was no RP initiation, he/they never stated their clear intentions through voice or text, they never asked or ordered me to stop. With this in mind, would the above actions be considered RDM? I mean yes, he was following me, he gave me hints he was hostile but nothing more, he went from "tailing from a distance, overtaking once or twice" to "full ramming mode" in a second and without notice.

I will not report them (I actually never got their names) due to lack of proof, I'm just wondering if their actions fall withing RP limits or not. Also, if those actions are indeed punishable, without having any solid proof (video etc) am I eligible for a compensation on my lost iron ingots?

For the record I managed to find my truck half an hour later back in Kavala, after what I presumed it was a firefight between those two and the police. Thankfully they did not scrap it. I recovered it, but only 25 iron ingots were still inside (I had ~180 after processing it on the plant). Which brings me to my second question: Am I allowed to recover my stolen/lost stuff (cars, items etc) after the 15 minutes of the NLR have passed? 

Thank you in advance and apologies for the noobish (and possibly stupid) questions! I'm new to ALUK and RP in general, and since I'm loving it I don't want to ruin it for me as well as for others  :D

No RP engagement = RDM. 

Beeping your horn and following a car is not enough RP engagement to allow someone to shoot at you. They MUST say something, and loud enough that can be heard, so even shouting from one vehicle to another isn't really good enough.

Also, if they attempted a PIT manoeuvre, that is actually VDM as well. The only time a vehicle can ram another, is armoured vehicles vs other armoured vehicles e.g. Ifrit vs Ifrit, or Hunter vs Ifrit.

As for the NLR, I think it's a grey area about reclaiming lost vehicles after you've died. Technically you're supposed to forget the incident in which you died, but you still remember that you had a truck, if you 'notice' its missing from your garage you could try and then hunt it down. I personally would definitely wait out the 15 minutes before you did that. Another way is if you told a friend you were being robbed, they would retain that knowledge even if you died, and technically they could hunt for it, and then you join in if they ask for your help to locate it. 

NLR stuff is a bit weird, and not amazingly defined for the above scenario. But to be safe, I would wait the 15 minutes, and maybe play it out like you're trying to track down a missing vehicle from your garage rather than finding your truck after it was robbed. It's a bit of a minor technicality really.

Would prefer some other opinions regarding the NLR stuff, as honestly thats my interpretation of the rule.
Also note, that if you are 100% absolutely sure you were RDM'd with no shadow of a doubt, the NLR rule doesn't apply.

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Appreciate the analysis Mycaelis :)

So, since I don't remember any names and no video was kept, is there a way to find out the players responsible, through the logs maybe? I really don't mind losing about 500k in iron, what worries me most is their actions being unidentified by themselves as RDM/VDM, and possibly repeated. *In their defence they may not know the specifics of RP in the particular case and may follow the same procedure again without actually having malicious intent.

I actually had a similar encounter a couple of hours ago while driving towards the Iron Processing facility. Two players in a camo SUV approached my HEMTT and actually wrote to me in direct chat to stop to "ask me some questions". No ramming, no griefing, when they saw I wasn't going to stop and was heading towards Kavala they left me alone, probably fearing they could crash. That is the definition of RP in situations like this I guess. 

As for the NLR I waited a lot (had to drive all the way from Athira to Kavala anyway, took me a while) plus I checked my garage before pursuing, so even if it wasn't RDM'd I guess I did not break any rules.  :) It was quite fun actually, I used the distance in the Keys tab to track it down to 30m :D

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Unfortunately I don't think there is much the admins can do at this point to find the culprits.
However, one thing that is almost too true on this server is that people who continuously break rules eventually get caught.

If those guys don't shape up their RP they'll no doubt end up reported by someone else or sorted by an in-game admin.
