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RAM Upgrade


Well-known member
I’m about to buy an extra RAM stick as I only have 8GB of RAM, and my frames have been really badly lately. People say 8GB is a medium amount for Arma 3. 

If I upgrade to 16GB of RAM will it significantly  increase performance?

You know you can just download some more right ?

Please don't, he'll do it 🤡

I’m about to buy an extra RAM stick as I only have 8GB of RAM, and my frames have been really badly lately. People say 8GB is a medium amount for Arma 3. 

If I upgrade to 16GB of RAM will it significantly  increase performance?
Okay. so

8gb was the Medium. Now i believe 16gb is truly the best point, in terms of ram.

Arma 3 is a CPU intensive game, so having more ram may not massively affect your experience. But it won't do any bad. You will notice improvements, of course putting your game on an SSD will also help it with things like stuttering. 

I would personally always have 16gb of ram.

You know you can just download some more right ?

Damn you made me sad, I actually did it and it did nothing, very disappointed and I’d like comp for that 

Please don't, he'll do it 🤡

Okay. so

8gb was the Medium. Now i believe 16gb is truly the best point, in terms of ram.

Arma 3 is a CPU intensive game, so having more ram may not massively affect your experience. But it won't do any bad. You will notice improvements, of course putting your game on an SSD will also help it with things like stuttering. 

I would personally always have 16gb of ram.
Oke oke got it 

Make sure that the cpu and motherboard supports higher speeds, most of the intels only support 2666mhz so be sure before you waste any money, also remember to enable the xmp profile if you get more than 2666mhz

yeah you will definetly notice the difference

Ram isn't too expensive either to upgrade in a big amount, definately worth having the extra RAM
