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Raffles for in game money


Escaped Convict
I would love to start creating raffles on the forums for in game money. It would cost in-game money to enter and in return you would get the chance to win even more in-game money. There would be nothing but in-game money involved.

This came to mind as I co-own a large raffle group for Team Fortress 2 and it's lots of fun for myself and the people entering, so i'm sure it would be lots of fun for anyone on Altis Life. Of course, I would need admin approval in order to do this which is why i'm dragging @Wilco here, sorry! This would no doubt be monitored closely by admins.

Raffle Example:

This is an example of a small raffle.

Entrance Fee: 10k

Prize: 100k

Slots: 11

1- Examplename1

2- Examplename2










Winner will be announced when all slots are full, good luck!

So, it would cost 10k per slot and you would have a 1/11 chance to win 10x the ammount you pay. Number of slots, entrance fee and prize will change depending on the raffle. Some are higher risks higher pay, some are lower risks lower pay. I would also make a small profit per raffle as a payment for creating the raffle.

More information will be provided if this works out okay, I would love to hear everyone's opinion on this!

Thanks for reading :)

You could host a small medium and large raffle

For example

small 50k buy in

medium 250k buy in

Large 1Mill buy in

If you did this then you would be able to accommodate for all users

You could host a small medium and large raffle

For example

small 50k buy in

medium 250k buy in

Large 1Mill buy in

If you did this then you would be able to accommodate for all users
I wasn't thinking of going up to 1mill, but if people would willingly bet that much than I would have no problem with it!

Otherwise though, that's exactly what i'm looking for. 

To make it clear

The example I wrote is nothing more than an example, I only used those numbers because they were easy to use.

I wasn't thinking of going up to 1mill, but if people would willingly bet that much than I would have no problem with it!

Otherwise though, that's exactly what i'm looking for.
May i suggest doing this in a greenzone with am admin present....

On the forums with ingame money???

You need to be ingame to take payments and give rewards

On the forums with ingame money???

You need to be ingame to take payments and give rewards
Here's the plan:

-User sees the raffle

-User wants to enter the raffle

-User follows the contact method (via teamspeak or steam)

-User tells me how many slots they want

-User sends me the money in game

-Hatchindraggon adds them into the list

It could also be done on the server occasionally to speed things up.

No I was not lol.

I think yours is a great idea if I had money lol.

However if I run a ponzu scheme I will get enough money to play
