Steam ID: 76561199102876425
Character ID: 59658
When did this happen: 10/30/23
Summary: "Unloading Storage" doesnt show on webook.
Full Description:
After clicking "unload storage" using the new crates while inside another storage with a discord webhook attached, it doesn't come through on the webhook. It adds it to the storage but no message comes on the webhook.
For Example:
I filled a storage crate with car parts, went over to the storage with a webhook linked, "unloaded storage". Items went into storage, no message on webhook.
Images / Video's
Character ID: 59658
When did this happen: 10/30/23
Summary: "Unloading Storage" doesnt show on webook.
Full Description:
After clicking "unload storage" using the new crates while inside another storage with a discord webhook attached, it doesn't come through on the webhook. It adds it to the storage but no message comes on the webhook.
For Example:
I filled a storage crate with car parts, went over to the storage with a webhook linked, "unloaded storage". Items went into storage, no message on webhook.
Images / Video's