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Questions regarding bountyhunters?


Currently residing in Los Santos
Okay, so basicly we all know Bountyhunters are 90% a major fuck up (not due to server, but due to people not being able to handle the responsibilities). Still I got a few questions I would like answered, and discussed. Some things should be way clearer in the rules as well. And the license should be way more expensive. But let's keep on topic.. my questions:

1) Bountyhunters run around in no uniform, doing drugs. Is this allowed?
2) Bountyhunters robbing people, in no uniform... allowed?

3) Bountyhunters randomly knocking people out in the greenzone to restrain them, without questioning. (still unclear, some people believe they can restrain in the greenzone?)
4) Bountyhunters running around in Ifritts?

I didn't really want to get drawn into the Bounty Hunter issue, but these are valid questions that I too have been somewhat unclear about.

I love the idea of Bounty Hunters as a concept, but in practice things seem to have gone awry. 

The trouble I have is Bounty Hunters (outside of their official work) can go on to rack up a bounty themselves - meaning the bounty hunter detaining you could be wanted themselves. This kinda detracts from the whole role play of enforcing the law. I know of bounty hunters taking off the uniform, getting armed up and going to the red zone for some good old fashioned murder with assault rifles.

I'm unsure if bounty groups would also cop their own members either during or after these events, loyalty is called into question, which should not happen in this role.

As with any new change in dynamic, there will be problems. I would hate to see them go because of this, and would love to see work within the community to iron out these teething problems. Open discussion is a great place to start.


I do believe the Admin/Def team are working on a fix for the currant issues we have with the bounty hunters. But since this has not happened yet and we dont know when it will this is a valid list of questions that need some light to be shined on them. 

1) yes

2) yes

3) bad RP, no.

4) No, against the law, therefore against the rules

Rebels and Bountyhunters cant work together. So that would mean your active gang can exist only out of  Bountyhunters.

  1. I think that bounty hunters should get the taser (pdw) for £20,000 because at the moment it is a bit expensive
I don't think the bounty hunters should get weapons at all , did you see how they abused them in the video ?

The system is great, it's just abused. There's very few bounty hunters using the tip system because they're all standing in Kavala and metagaming.

The system is great, it's just abused. There's very few bounty hunters using the tip system because they're all standing in Kavala and metagaming.
Everyday I spectate,this is true,but you forgot to mention tazer spam. Below is courtesy of one of my men.

It doesn't say this anymore in the rules as far as i'm aware.
It is actually covered by rule 8B,but Wilco sucks at explaining things and didn't write in the detail,just the initial reason of why the rule exists.

8B) Bounty hunters may not game the system by teaming up with a friend, this is exploiting and you and the person/s will be banned as a result.

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For 8B i'd like clarification as I thought this ment getting a bounty and taking a share of the bounty

EDIT: I would assume you can get intel off civs as thats what apparantly happens when you buy a tip

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The system is great, it's just abused. There's very few bounty hunters using the tip system because they're all standing in Kavala and metagaming.
If someone denies their name I always purchase a tip. Generally i'll always use it.

If the BH weapon should change, it should change to the damn zubr. 6 round mags, slow rate of fire. Would at least take some of the tazerspam away. But since the metagaming is so strong in these people, and their roleplay so weak.. I still feel we should get rid of them.
