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Princess Louie attempted RDM in green zone

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Princess Louie
Time & Date this happened: 24.12.2014 about 17.20
Description of what happened: Me and my mate were doing frog leg runs with our hurons,and we were banking the money at the VIP. When we landed,some guy came at us with a gun pointed at us and started talking about something,i didnt really listen. We banked,we went in our choppers and when we flew of he started shooting in my rotors to shoot me down with no RP whatsoever. Later when we came back,he did the same thing. Waited for us to get out of the green zone,after we were 5m our he started spraying at us. He also metagamed my mate and broke RP when he started talking about server rules.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: I told him in side chat that what hes doing is not allowed,but it was like talking to a wall.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

In this pic you can see him admiting he shoot at us if we flew away from the donator.


Here is a screen of him runing around the field waiting for us to come out atleast 1m out of the greenzone.
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As Andrej said, we were doing frogs legs and from time to time we need to bank the cash. Earlier we'd had a run in with the police at the airport so we went to VIP to bank instead. This guy Princess Louie starts rambling on about our choppers and when I unlock mine he get's in uninvited. I told him to leave and he mumbles something else and then we depart. As we depart Andrej reports he is taking fire. Low and behold this guy telling us in side he told us to stop when we took off (he said this to 2 departing hurons, I think you can imagine the noise as they took off would drown out anything) and then opened fire. Ok, we write it off as him just being a douche bag and we carry on.

When we return to bank the next time he does the same thing, which I captured this time on shadow play. I will process the video when I get the chance (xmas is keeping me a bit busy at the moment).

I expect this kind of shit if I landed in the center of Kavala, but I just figured if you were a donator you wouldn't be such a dick, how wrong I was :(

in my option there is such a lack of evidence, have you got a vid ^^ ? and ;o another Princess <3

PS: Nice heli btw ♥

Here is the video as promised (give it time, youtube is being slow today):

Even if it doesn't capture him attempting to RDM, it certainly captures the following; meta-gaming and being a douche as per these rules:

Rule 0: An Adult Community

We are proud to see our-self as an Adult community, this doesn't mean you need to be over 18 to play here... it means you cannot act like a complete douche!


Rule 3: The General Rules
3A) Do not troll, running around the cops in circles, jumping off buildings without a RP reason, bombarding the police messaging system or the Medic system over and over is considered trolling. This is worthy of a ban.
3C) Out of character questions need to be written in the chat, in order to not interrupt the roleplay on the server. 
That Video was the secound time we met while I was speaking to an ADMIN! also after in chat on the first time we met you said you where going to report me and make a forms page about me

3D) Shouting "I AM GOING TO REPORT YOU ON FORUMS" ingame is not allowed. RP is destroyed in this event.
3E) Discussing bans or any other issues that interrupt the players from the gameplay will result in a ban.
Also coming back for the secound time seems like you where trying to provoke which is acting like a complete douche bag!
Also greenzones are for people to chill out and relax and talk but all you guys did was ignore me and tell me the fuck off the first time and wouldn't even sit and talk for 2mins! ON CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!
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That Video was the secound time we met while I was speaking to an ADMIN! also after in chat on the first time we met you said you where going to report me and make a forms page about me

3D) Shouting "I AM GOING TO REPORT YOU ON FORUMS" ingame is not allowed. RP is destroyed in this event.
3E) Discussing bans or any other issues that interrupt the players from the gameplay will result in a ban.
Also coming back for the secound time seems like you where trying to provoke which is acting like a complete douche bag!
Also greenzones are for people to chill out and relax and talk but all you guys did was ignore me and tell me the fuck off the first time and wouldn't even sit and talk for 2mins! ON CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!
I didnt shout ingame,i told you in side chat. You were the one speaking ingame about forums and bans. I bought the vip so i can come there and store my money as fucking much times as i can since its a green zone and nobody can rob me. If i dont want to speak to a random hobo,i wont do it because maybe i have other stuff i have to do?

Everything is in the video,you metagamed,broke RP and attempted RDM. If you dont get a ban,i have no words to say.

How did I attempt to RDM, you didn't even RP you where saying jackshit!? 


Here is a screen of him runing around the field waiting for us to come out atleast 1m out of the greenzone.

Even if its 1m which is was not it was 200m am still out of the green zone as where you as I didn't fire untill you got to the across the dirt road junction on the map! and I told you, you would be fired upon if you fly off! 

That Video was the secound time we met while I was speaking to an ADMIN! also after in chat on the first time we met you said you where going to report me and make a forms page about me

3D) Shouting "I AM GOING TO REPORT YOU ON FORUMS" ingame is not allowed. RP is destroyed in this event.
3E) Discussing bans or any other issues that interrupt the players from the gameplay will result in a ban.
Also coming back for the secound time seems like you where trying to provoke which is acting like a complete douche bag!
Also greenzones are for people to chill out and relax and talk but all you guys did was ignore me and tell me the fuck off the first time and wouldn't even sit and talk for 2mins! ON CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!
I landed my huron and the first thing you do is try and get in it without my permission. Great start, after that I didn't want to talk to you as you were obviously being a troll.

We asked in side chat why you were firing on us, as frankly we were incredulous someone in VIP would do such a thing. After that you'd pretty much blotted your copy book in my eyes and I was done with trying to communicate with you. The 2nd time we landed you'll note I react as if I hadn't met you before to give you a 2nd chance (no meta-gaming from us) and you immediately call me by name. The rest of this encounter is clearly documented by the above video. You're a troll and Xmas eve or not, I don't suffer fools lightly. I'll leave this to the admins now. 

Rejected > Reason() > Date 15/12/14

Im going to make my self very clear here. Grow up fast and improve your [SIZE=18.1818180084229px]in-game[/SIZE] attitude "Princess Louie" [SIZE=18.1818180084229px]If this continues i will issue a ban. From what i saw it was childish immature behavior. I don't sugar coat things, grow up or pack up. [/SIZE]

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