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Price lists - On the forum


Retired Troll. Human. Not religious. Occasionally
Lincolnshire, UK
Howdy chaps and chapettes,

Quick question: I may be being dumb but I can't find a list of prices on the forum. It might be there but I've maybe missed it. 

It would be hugely useful to have a list of current prices... All vehicles & guns ... and the difference in price of those items in for tiered donators. All in one place. 

Unless it exists, in which case I am sorry for not finding it.  :)

Hey man! I don't think there is a full list of items and weapons but there are resource and vehicle prices here, and Jay did some handy charts

Check out the sweet 'wes pie' pie chart for some visual data porn. ;)

Extremely useful, Sir! Thanks for taking the time to reply. 

I'm mostly interested in vehicles and coke to be honest.  ;)  

I'm itching to get on tonight!

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