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possible comp?


Neptune Beach,FL,USA
ok.....I and stimpen were flying. I go to donator store, take off and he is like flying on the out side of heil, like a yoyo. He says he is in the heil and cant see what im talking about so i thought no big deal. we get to field , i slow down and all the sudden his body flies into the propellers and he start to crash down. I die losing 80k worth of gear, and he says he is still alive flying around or something then he dies.....just wondering if we can get comp for this. I have pics but not final pic of death.

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What was lost:

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Quick description of what happened:

In-game name: Landon

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile):76561198019084251


What was lost: 80k worth of gear

Value of item/money lost: 5k backpack, zafire 7.62 with arco scope and ammo,night vision,and only like 5k cash on me.

Quick description of what happened:ok.....I and stimpen were flying. I go to donator store, take off and he is like flying on the out side of heil, like a yoyo. He says he is in the heil and cant see what im talking about so i thought no big deal. we get to field , i slow down and all the sudden his body flies into the propellers and he start to crash down. I die losing 80k worth of gear, and he says he is still alive flying around or something then he dies.....just wondering if we can get comp for this. I have pics but not final pic of death.
