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Police Tazer Skins

Joe Macho

Well-known member
Hi, I have noticed that the taser skins have changed. I believe the previous skin was more realistic. Just would like to know why it was changed.

Hi, I have noticed that the taser skins have changed. I believe the previous skin was more realistic. Just would like to know why it was changed.
The tazer skin was part of the launcher as well with the black MK20. For some reason the launcher is not supported anymore, so therefore no skinned tazers for you.

The tazer skin was part of the launcher as well with the black MK20. For some reason the launcher is not supported anymore, so therefore no skinned tazers for you.
I think the tazer skin was still in game when the modpack was removed a long time. The modpack was removed not too long after I joined the server and only some months ago I saw some people still using it. I think it was an INS+ tazer or something.

The modpack is no longer supported, hasn't been for ages however you were still able to use it by manually downloading it and putting it in your Arma III mods folder and then play on the community. Sadly the option has been removed to play when you have any mod enabled so no X26 tasers or black MK20's anymore...

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I think the tazer skin was still in game when the modpack was removed a long time. The modpack was removed not too long after I joined the server and only some months ago I saw some people still using it. I think it was an INS+ tazer or something.
The skin was client side and not forced. Meaning that player without the launcher (modpack) would see the normal arma3 pistol skins. If you had these skins enabled you would however see yellow and black tazers. 

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They really should bring back reskins for tazers, maybe even binos to a magnifying glass for medics, could be dank af

They really should bring back reskins for tazers, maybe even binos to a magnifying glass for medics, could be dank af
At the same time utilizing a launcher would solve the problem when 100 people try to join and download the missionfile at the same time. You could just download it from the launcher.

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