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Police - Tanoa

SPC Miller

What makes you read a hobo's title?
Do the current police members have to Reapply to be in the Tanoa police force or is it going to be Kavala units will be Kavala and a town in Tanoa and the same for Pyrgos and Athira or will the be a reconstructure of the police forcee?

@Spunky Bumlove @@Wilco

Unsure as of yet, we'll let everyone know as soon as we have a plan.

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The plan was for the police to be armed with the new VTOLs and if we needed to go on the ground we would be using bobcats or slammers. As well as having air strikes and attack helicopters on standby with AI that have aimbot. 

The plan was for the police to be armed with the new VTOLs and if we needed to go on the ground we would be using bobcats or slammers. As well as having air strikes and attack helicopters on standby with AI that have aimbot. 
I think we'd need cheetahs tbh, hummingbirds and Orca's are becoming a real danger! 

Have static AA launchers on the Police HQ with them manned 24/7 for those pesky airspace violators 
Or instead of prison we have "hobo launchers" that fire the prisoners at the helicopters rotors 

Time will tell! Once we have thoroughly discussed we will publish whats going to happen. Like Wilco said, it's not out yet so there not enough information to put this to a heavy discussion as Police Command.

If we do get Police on Tanoa we could do with a Uniform consisting of short sleeved shirts and shorts in the blistering heat ?

I feel like the only one who hasn't seen any of the Tanoa map

The plan was for the police to be armed with the new VTOLs and if we needed to go on the ground we would be using bobcats or slammers. As well as having air strikes and attack helicopters on standby with AI that have aimbot. 
Seems legit 

Or instead of prison we have "hobo launchers" that fire the prisoners at the helicopters rotors 
10/10 Would suggest @Wilcoplz make this happen

how about police get those new carrier rigs people keep going on about?! 

So the APEX leak supposedly included a new faction which is particularly interesting to the police.

"Gendarmerie Faction
the local Tanoa law enforcement agency"

Source: BiStudio Forum Post
