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Police Rubbern Gun (Metal Penetration POV)

Rubbers turn to lethal as soon as they pass through an object (metal/glass)! I think most people learnt this the hard way!

Like Samat said they turn to Lethal through an object, they will also change to lethal rounds for 5 seconds or so when a cop jumps out of a vehicle as the script does not kick in, and they can also turn lethal if a headshot is made as the script does not heal the player back to 100% health in time.

In the end its a limitation by the ArmA engine. It's still a tracer bullet and acts as a tracer bullet like any other bullet in ArmA would. The actual knocking out is a script that prevents the player getting hit from getting killed. 

Well, im pretty sure a rubber bullet could penetrate sheet metal, sheet metal is pretty week tbh, and when you have an object going 200 m/s, they could penetrate that surface!  

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There are always incidents happening with rubber bullets like those stated above, you must understand it is 90% of the time not the officers fault if you get shot dead after making a run for it (Unless they had lethals loaded accidentally, which is unfortunately the case sometimes. :/) you just have to accept it was a mistake. I myself would happily comp someone if they were unable to be revived. c:

I think the fact that the rubber bullet gun is a one hit takedown is OP. Think about it, rebel has to get 2 to 3 shots on the police to take them down but the police only have to get 1 shot to take down the rebel. In small fights this is op.

But yeah about the wallbang that's just arma, can't really blame anyone for that. 

If you don't like the rubber guns, should all cops be equipped with MXs? :)

And yet rebel vs. Popo shootouts are very fair(most of the time)
Yeah it's a weird one. This discussion had taken place many a time. The rubbers were nerfed by ciaran a while ago but are still op.. but I honestly think the cops need it as it's great for non lethal detaining someone under 150m.

And yet rebel vs. Popo shootouts are very fair(most of the time)

If you don't like the rubber guns, should all cops be equipped with MXs? :)
These two are very true and in my opinion rubber bullets are very op and they could be changed and also in my opinion (even though they are very pricey) That guns should be boosted in price because of the fact that there is just too much money in the system and that in the future if there is a wipe it will be lowered again.

3v1 and you rubber them all out.. Exactly what the cops do 24/7. Really sad..
(yes you were more people in the beginning before your two officers in law got killed, but when they are 3 guys armed, and u can just taze them all, run up and instant restrain..)

Its just.. Just... OP OP OP OP OP OP OP

Well, im pretty sure a rubber bullet could penetrate sheet metal, sheet metal is pretty week tbh, and when you have an object going 200 m/s, they could penetrate that surface!  
When they are over 100m away, spraying at a wall MAYBE it would penetrate.. It is industrial metal as it is an industrial building but who knows.. :_: 

If you ask me I think there should be a skill that allows you to become more resistant to them, perhaps taking 2 or 3 hits to taze. 
