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[PLF] Gabriel (Rejected - FINAL WARNING issued)

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Anonymous Orange

Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [PLF] Gabriel
Time &  happened: 30/09/2014 - 01:20AM
Description of what happened: We had [PLF] Mr Pat and [PLF] Vlad incustody as we were bounty hunters I send Mr Pat to jail then [PLF] Gabriel shot Vlad out of my car so he would not be sent to jail. BAD ROLEPLAY as we were enjoying hunting.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No they are not on the TS.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

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Well I can upload my record. As you will see from the start I do what I can to check the forums and work with the bounty hunters. I was not avare that I had to surrender. So I put my gun away, so they woud feel safe, I also tell my friends to stay away, untill we have cleared the rules.
Why report something when I give you a clearn warning, and you are fucking standing there while I cooperate with you...... 

Nor did you try to solve it ingame, I got 1 msg, This is reported...... Yeah you sent it to me and not the person you are reporting!

Im standing in the middle of the road in 1 minute and 30 sec without him shooting me. If he wanted to kill me, he woud have done it before. And thats a fact.

And I said, several times, this is gonna be dangerous for you, I have alot of friends... And that the recoil hits me 1 time in the head, the 10 time he shoots a spray.. And with some arma experience you know that the gun have a huge recoil in a spray. And you are driving with me facing the side the shots are comming from. So to get you, the shot got through me

I'll come with a upload. And I understand that loosing a 2.4 mill bounty sucks, but the people that know me knows that I want the RP rather than die

This reporting thing is getting so out of hand and the server is loosing its fun

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i can say one thing, Vlad will always do rp before anything else cause he loves it, and i think the entire server need to be a little more kind about what ppl actually reporting other ppl for. Not just report becuase something didnt go ur way. 

I were not involved in the situation so will not comment on this specific situation but in general. ppl please stop reporting everything that is happening on this server, try talk to ur fellow co players at the server, enjoy the game more than trying to get ppl "caught" when stuff happends... 

I dont talk about this specific post but more in general, please think twice before reporting ppl, that goes for all reportings on this forums


I'm sorry but if you want RP you do not risk a bullet skimming your mates head??
Were is the RP when I get tazed before I know your there ? So yeah, dont place this one on me mate...

Well I stop, and I tell you shit will happen on the way.

And I were 100m from the HQ, I knew what was gonna happen and you knew.

And dont turn this to be fail RP.

This is about you reporting a player for having recoil on the gun in Arma.

And of our TS conversation AND video I will show you this.

So again, I feel it's sad that this community is all about reports

Why would one of your guys open fire on the vehicle when he knew that he was endangering your life? And also why are you getting so offensive off of this Vladi the report clearly states Aaron is reporting Gabriel. Overall i think it is pretty poor RP but not from you Vladi from Gabriel simply because in real life you wouldn't fire on a car with your friend in it its a 50/50 chance of him killing the bounty hunter or you and in this case it was you that has come out dead which is why Aaron is suspicious.

I had a court order stating that Taser was to be deployed without warning as the warrant out for your arrest was listed as Armed And Dangerous.

So yes this was bad RP on not you but your gangs side.

Im getting offencive couse my friend is getting reported when he did nothing other than trying to save me. And I warned all of them.
If this had been the police they have been in simular situations many times. And I have even been killed by the cops while im in restrains in the car. Becouse of recoil, do you see me running to the forums? No, it's a game with game fysics. And back then we lost shit for 400k+ each time  we died.

And they are asuming that he was going to kill me, they have no proof other than a screenshot were i died. Not did they try to contact him and ask him first either. They just asume, "yeah he killed him becouse of his bounty".

Yeah might have been poor RP by the gang, but if a leader gets cought from a group somewere IRL. I dont think they will stand and watch either. And I keep to what i say, you did as bad RP mate. Coud have announced your self at least.

I just dont understand the report at all.

I will upload within a few hours. My inet is acting up, so have a few problems.

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What are you actually reporting here lol? All i see is a screeny of a car and a dude in the road.

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2. Anyone who does not have any evidence who cannot provide value with evidence there post will be deleted, unless they are of a Admin rank.


First of I wanna say I find this to be a pretty obnoxious and childish report. And the reason why I havent commented before is because I wasnt sure if I even were gonna bother because its pretty annoying when I havent dont anything wrong.

You have clearly no intentions of trying to resolve it or try to figure out both sides of the battle.

"Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No they are not on the TS."

You could have easily sent a text message and asked if one of us could come to ts since its not very hard for us to find the ip adress. We have a own ts we are using and if you would have contacted I could also give you our ts info. But you did nothing of this
On the video that will be uploaded shortly you can clearly see if I wanted to kill Vlad I could have done it along time ago. I had never any intentions of hitting vlad but with a little bit of desync and a pretty stupid move from the bounty hunters vlad got a bullet in the head actually before he got put in the car.

And on that video also you can see that when they move vlad I crushed the legs on the one escorting him and on that shot a recoil bullet hits vlad cause you can see he instantly dies just as hes beeing put in the car.

Tbh you shouldnt be trying to flee away with the hostage when you havent cleared the scene. You guys knew I was there, I shoot out the tires on one offroad, and you still try to move him to the other one.. Maybe bad roleplay but it was a bad move aswell to try to move him while I was there shooting at you.

So lets wait for the video and let the admins decide. If admin thinks I did something wrong then so be it.



I ve banned for this before and i will ban again... Killing someone to avoid them being arrested is extremely poor gameplay.

Not going to issue a ban on this occasion just a last and very final warning to gabriel due to 

Please stop trying exploits to avoid jail or you and your friends otherwise your time here will be up very quickly.

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