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Personal opinions on new players


Active member
I love this server but i've always wanted to know what long time players of the server think of the players that are currently joining the server? its a touchy topic i know but im curious because i have noticed a lot of immature people have started joining, running around and ruining the experience for other plays. so go on guys :) leave your opinions and lets see how we can help them out :p

I'm a police inspector in kavala, i think you know my esteem towards new players ;) . At the end of the day, we're there to help though. i had to teach someone how to speak yesterday, i don't mind new people because they are new, what i do mind is an influx in hobo waves bumrushing kavala headquarters :)

they do seem to be reproducing like rabbits haha. i just think that when your working hard to get somewhere on the server and then you get hobos running in breaking rules and then trying to give other people a bad name isnt exactly fair haha

Immature players will always be new, it's the mature ones that get to stay.
This isn't a new phenomenon, 

You have to deal with the chaff to get the wheat i'm afraid.


Theres alot of nice new players who just want some help, but like all games you are gonna get people who just wanna ruin the experience as a whole 'some men just want to see the world burn'

Had a player last night walk up to me as i getting apples out my truck at the market and just shot me in the back of the head no talking 

My own fault for not recording but as soon as a spawned i took two new guys to the garage then to the fields and showed the how to pick apples, took me from rage angry to feeling good pretty fast and new guys are always really appreciative. ying to your yang man 

The new players is what keeps a community going, and fresh.

And you will allways get some bad and some good.

But as Edgar Ville says.

It's the mature and rule following that gets the chanse to stay.

And those who break them will be banned after a time.

Allways a plesure to meet new civilians that wants to learn

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It's a beautiful visualization of darwinian natural selection: those that can adapt and follow the rules, stay and flourish and those who cannot, get banned and cease to be

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