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Permanent Ban Appeal - Ziffy_UNBAN

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

1.6 - I was banned as I was in a room called "Banning Room" in the private OG discord server after a couple of OG members had just been banned for attempting to mass RDM. I knew this was going to happen though.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

In the last 6 months I've dedicated most of my time to trying to become a pro FIFA player while doing A-Levels on the side. I am doing Psychology, Politics and Economics in 6th form. On Wednesday I went to Bournemouth to compete in the FIFA ePremier League to become Bournemouth's representative at the ePL Live Finals in London next month. I got to the final and was unfortunately beaten by a better player than me. This is still one of my main focuses as I believe this is still possible (becoming a pro) while at the same time, I know I need to start working more on my A-Levels. I've also been enjoying watching my beloved Leeds do well in the Championship 🙂

Why do you want to return ?

I joined the server in roughly April 2017 I believe and up until may 2018 I only had 1 warning for commenting on a report which didn’t involve me (it did but I was a cop, playing as rebel at the time so I accepted the warning to not get kicked out of cops). In may, I stupidly got a warning for commenting “free someone” and I can’t remember who it was but it was very unnecessary and pointless. When all the 183 kids came along and I joined them, I now realise that was the biggest mistake of my time here on rpuk. I was brainwashed due to my naivety into thinking I didn’t care about the server and if i got banned I would just join another community. This changed my attitude completely as I trusted my own want for joining another community. Little did I know, all these communities were a pile of shit where staff abuse their powers, people are too gung-ho, people can do what they want, little to no roleplay takes place. This is literally the opposite of rpuk. None of this actually appealed to me hence why I’ve not touched arma since my ban. The whole point of what I’m trying to get across is that it was only when 183 came along that my attitude and behaviour on the server changed, in the previous 18 months I’d not broken any major rules. I was here to roleplay and have fun with other people but that was changed by a certain group of individuals who have now been ridiculed by yourself and with good reason. I no longer communicate with any of them and I have realised they are idiots. I will never see the appeal in mass rdming, coming on the server on a free account, chatting shit on other forums. By no means am I attempting to justify my ban, but it has made me realise how desperate I am to return so I thank you for that in a weird sort of way. During my time here I have had many good roleplay experiences. I’ve done rp HMs, RBAs and too many gas stations to count. I’ve attended in game roleplay events and had fun but as I’ve already said a million times (I’m sure this is getting repetitive and boring now) this all changed when 183 came along and if I was unbanned I know to stay away from people like that at all costs. It will ruin my time on the server and everyone else around me.

Why should we unban you ?

This is all in my previous appeal and I don't want to copy and paste it for the reason of I don't want it to look like I've not put effort into this appeal. What I am mainly aiming to do here is breakdown Wilco's reply on my previous appeal which should give you more answers as to why I believe I should be unbanned.
1. "@Ziffy_UNBAN , You was unbanned in August and already banned by September" - This is true, as I've said, at this time I was in the state of mind that I didn't care, and I personally put this down to the influence of others. I am still young at 17 and obviously still impressionable. While I would never try to justify this, I do think it's possible to look past. The time I spent out of the server wasn't enough for me to be able to truly miss it and so I still had the same mindset after the unban as I did before. Now, after 6 months of spending time with non-toxic people I really miss the server and I'm no longer in that mindset. The only way for me to prove this is to be unbanned whether that be under strict restriction or not.
2. "You do not learn, You have and never have had any good intentions of roleplaying properly here." - This is the thing I probably disagree with the most. While during the end of my time here, the last couple of months etc. I'd completely agree that I was not here to roleplay but instead have fun and at the time I didn't necessarily care about other people's opinions of me. I once again do put this down to the influence of others because in the previous 16 months this was never the case. During those 16 months between me joining the server and the gang "183" coming along I'd never been banned and had never broken any serious rules. I believe it was only the 2 warnings mentioned above. I was here to roleplay, I was here to have fun while making others around me have fun at the same time and for the majority of my time here I was 100% here to roleplay and play by the rules. Now, referring to the "You do not learn" part I assume this is once again leading to my 2 bans in quick succession. I've already answered the reason I believe this to be the case and I stick by that. I have spent 6 months away from toxic people and I understand everything now in a completely different light compared to what I did back then. By this, I'm referring to the reasoning for my bans and why those rules are in place, I know now that the punishment was fair and justified and I know never to ever do those things again. I can learn, and I believe I have.
3. "We have done well over the last 12 months to kick the immature kids out, let's not fuck that progress up by letting one back in." - I appreciate this and I agree, you have done a good job of kicking the immature people out. That said, I do not see myself as an immature kid. Both of my bans were due to me being immature so I completely understand why you think that's what I am. I went 16 months on the server without being banned once, most of the "immature kids" I think you're referring to begin breaking rules as soon as they join the server. I appreciate this isn't always the case. I hope you don't mind but I am actually going to start naming names as to who you are likening me to when using the term "immature kids". Alex Jackson, Blaine, Aspect, etc. 2 of which were part of the 183 group which changed my entire view on the server. All 3 have 1 thing in common which I cannot be related to. After their bans, they've all continued to be immature by attempting to troll the server time and time again despite how little (if any) of an impact it has. This is something I would never do as I understand that it's pointless and just completely unnecessary. This type of person has it in their head that once they're banned they must try and cause as much damage as possible. I however have waited the necessary time in an attempt to get myself back to where I want to be.
Obviously in this whole situation there is a lack of trust between myself and management. It is completely justified that I cannot be trusted and I don't want it to sound like I'm trying to take the lead but I strongly would appreciate an unban but under very strict restrictions purely to try and regain the trust that was once there for the first 16 or so months of my time here.
I am only in this section of the forums for the second time this week because I care and I am desperate to return and roleplay and I don't know what else to do. If you want me to wait more time to appeal again then feel free to give me a date and I'm happy to follow that. I will complete whatever steps necessary in order to get unbanned and be able to enjoy the server once again.

EDIT: If unbanned I would like to buy my own office building and make my own lawyer firm in which I would attempt to get dirty criminals out of trouble but without it ending in a gunfight as it often used to do with me.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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Heard it all before, You will be unbanned... fall again in with the wrong crowd and be banned again

Waste of our teams time.

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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