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Permanent Ban Appeal - YoCo Unbann

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YoCo Unbann

In-game Name

MasterCriminal YoCo

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

If you read my unban appeal above it explains the whole situation that led to my original ban.

I was then banned for "throwing abuse at staff team" and "boasting about being unbanned"

The abuse: https://gyazo.com/ff20dcbab7c431a5d283d2783bf73e54

The boasting: https://gyazo.com/3f2c88fff9211c4f250812351e597510

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Playing other games, Working, Tore my ACL so doing Rehab.

Why do you want to return ?

I want to return as I have been a part of this community for nearly 4 years now and I want to see it grow and develop even more

Why should we unban you ?

Now I understand on my last ban that I was told I was on my last chance, I fully respected that and tried to keep my head down. But please see things from my perspective.

I was shot at in a BZ by stavik and then I shot cops in retaliation, I was then banned because stavik sent my video to mryan and the decision was made to ban all rebels involved. But no cops were touched despite multiple rulebreaks shown from them in the video, so hopefully you can see why I was frustrated with the ban after the fact.

In terms of the "abuse" I sent to Mryan, I've known him for a long time (I even have him on social media cos we were once friends), I was angry with the situation and the way it played out, I don't think I said anything that warrants abuse. This is an adult community, the most I would say I did was have a heated disagreement with the ban. Obviously I shouldn’t message any staff members regarding my ban and should instead follow the unban procedures on the forums. But I’ve known a lot of the admin team for a long time so I feel I can talk to them on the level. In no way did I mean to attack to abuse any of the staff team and I apologise if they feel that I did. Furthermore, in future I’ll obviously not message staff about bans under any circumstances.

I've also heard that I was banned for boasting about being unbannable? To my knowledge I never said anything to that effect. The only thing I could think of would be me saying that Vladic will unban me when he see's my unban, because in my personal opinion; the ban was BS. and this was shown by the fact that ban was in fact overturned.

I am not saying that I am above the rules, and I fully respect them, This is shown by the fact that in my 4 years on the server, I think I've only been reported a total of 5 times, and never once banned as a result of the report.

Now obviously my ban history will probably come up, So i'm just gonna throw it all out there.

My first ban was ages ago, and was for being in a channel while an admin (Jamz) rdm'd and I was laughing. (1.6)
I believe I have been involved in a blanket ban (the time when I was blanket banned, I wasn’t even in the gang, I was in the cops, I was just on their roster) (Blanket)
I have been banned for kicking a guy from my gang lobby in ts because he told me to fuck my dead sister and then carried on insulting me. (1.7)
I got banned for facepalming you and being hot headed in my attempts to better the server. (1.6)
I got banned for a video where I log out in a helicopter to kill a friend (Just having fun and messing about) (2.5)

And I have never received a warning, out of all these bans, I’ve never once had an admin pull me aside and speak to me (like an adult) about the situation. It’s always just bans handed out with no discussion behind closed doors, and no chance to explain my POV.

I understand I have been banned quite a few times (Over a four year period) so in no way do I think im unbannable. In the past year, I've only been banned once (besides this instance) and that was for the whole facepalming scenario where I overzealously expressed my views in a non constructive manner.

But if you look at my history, Hopefully you can see that I'm not a toxic individual, Sure im hot headed, But that's just because im passionate about the community.
I never act in a malicious manner, and I never try to have a negative impact on anyone.

But in terms of THIS actual ban, to my recollection, I never boasted about being unbanned, And I never threw abuse at anyone.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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Not reading this yet as you can now wait until my thread as ran its course.

I will add that the majority of players have nothing here... So to all your mistaken fan club attacking the staff team over "ridiculous" bans.chrome_YDlIGB8vli.png

Maybe they should be praising our team for being bloody fair with you! That is all for now

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I’ve always said to you, if you feel I’m a detriment to the community. Don’t unban me. 

Youve linked my ban history even tho i explained it in my unban. I’ve got 8+ bans but you tell me what the worst thing I’ve done is? 

Have i been racist? No

have I mass rdm’d? No

have I exploited? No

have I hacked? No

have I bullied anyone? No

have I ddos’d anyone? No

I can explain everyone of my bans, and without being ignorant. In my opinion the majority of my bans weren't necessary. I never acted with Ill intention and I never acted to lessen anyone’s gaming experience. 

the point I’m making is that I’ve never harmed anyone within the community, and I never would.

I would like to quote the following;

"Someone mentioned above that we should have an increasing scale ban system. YoCos case is very much what has happened here. He is someone who thinks he is untouchable due to the amount of chances he has had. Well this whole blue zone shit show and how he dealt with it was the last straw."
Increasing ban system? 

I’ve been banned once within the past year? I’ve probably played more hours than most. But now I’m perma banned, unable to join TS. Because I was honest and gave my opinion. 

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the fact you are listening to the community and doing a mass unban.

take this with a pinch of salt. We are all apart of the same community, we all want the same thing. We want to see it grow and prosper. Don’t think of us as the enemy, just people with different opinions.

So, you ask for people to be honest in their appeals, and all I will ever be is honest. This community means a lot to me so I would like to return.

anyways, all the best to you. Have a good one.

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Can I ask... do you ever think before taking action ?

No you have never done those things.... but do you not think we have been bloody fair with you ?

I would love to know the above so I can work out how we are ever going to move forward

I’d say I’m a very spontaneous person. 

I mean, I feel like the saying ‘the nail that sticks out gets hammered first’ is very fitting for my situation. I like to get involved in the community and voice my opinion to try and help. Obviously this attracts a lot of attention to myself and sometimes in a negative way.

in terms of fairness, I think some of what I’ve been banned for could easily have been resolved with a warning (I’ve never received a warning) and some bans were particularly harsh. 

The one for 1.7 from the forum report for example, I was construed to have bullied and abused channel admin. When all I did was kick a guy from the our gang channels who was being toxic.

the most recent ban for me shooting in BZ, I don’t think that was fair at all. Stavik (a cop, and staff lead) shot me in bz and then I get banned (along with two rebels) for retaliating. Yet no action is taken against stavik or the cops?

however, in terms of overall fairness; it would be stupid of me not to say that I’ve had a lot of chances, given that I’ve had 8 bans, even if I don’t necessarily agree with them. There is obviously a reason why I’ve had action taken against me. And I think in all of my unbans the staff team and yourself have been very fair to me in letting me come back. 

I think moving forward, I’m gonna keep myself away from the forums and such, keep myself in game and do what I do best. 

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There is voicing your opinion and there is being unnecessary negative to cause drama, You seem to never approach things in a more calm and formal way, I am pretty sure you understand we just wont listen if people approach things in a certain way.

Some of your bans ill admit have been harsh, I think you'll find there isn't many people like myself willing to work to keep certain members with a number of hours here who decide if and when the rules apply to them, You cannot really put blame on harsher bans.

You also do not act alone, When you have been "Yoco" i will call it, other people start acting up, they act up as a result of your actions and your drama, Its tiresome and past a waste of time.

The recent ban happened when I was on holiday as per your email to me... I have a bit of a full plate at the moment to go investigating that... I am sure its just another one on the list! 

The staff team have already looked at your Battlemetrics listing and put you on the "1.6 remain list" so i can only really pass judgement here under the terms of the vote which were

Who this will not apply to

Anyone banned for the following

  • Hacks/Cheats/Scripting
  • Threats to the server, community or staff team
  • Severe cases of Racism, Harassment or bullying.
  • Some 1.6 Bans (Some of these players have displayed they do not want to be part of RPUK)
My guess is you have been put under the "Some 1.6 bans", Well i agree that you have not displayed you do not want to be part of RPUK you certainly haven't displayed you want to follow the rules, It comes in spouts with you... You can go months with nothing then all of a sudden get yourself into something rather than either hold your tongue or log off!

I guess I need to go away AGAIN! and think if unbanning you is just going to lead to more bans for you and unfortunately people in the YoCo fan club who like to cause drama... just because!

Well first things first, I have absolutely no intention of getting banned again, particularly anytime soon. It’s a waste of yours, the staff teams and even my own time.

but I would like to say, in terms of this actual ban. Hopefully if you look at the whole situation (in which there was wrongs on both sides, but only rebels were banned) you can see why I was somewhat frustrated by the whole situation and understand that it was just a case of me showing my frustrations to the staff team. I wouldn’t say abused anyone or anything to that degree.

As for my ‘YoCo fan club’ I think this just demonstrates the bonds that are created from the community, and should highlight that despite my overzealous and hot headed approach to some situations that I only want the best for the community and it’s members. 

Also, I’d like to reiterate that with four years that I’ve been here, I’ve never been banned from a forum report, and that I’ve only been reported around 4 times. I think that demonstrates that I do follow the rules, its only childish slip ups that let me down.

Anyways, cheers for the replies. Obviously it goes without saying that if you choose to unban me. I’m well aware of what that would mean. But I honestly believe what I contribute to the server (in terms of my RP and interactions with others in game, and my ideas on the forums) far outweigh the negatives that I bring.

And yes, holding my tongue/logging off will be my go to choices of actions in the future. 

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As for my ‘YoCo fan club’ I think this just demonstrates the bonds that are created from the community, and should highlight that despite my overzealous and hot headed approach to some situations that I only want the best for the community and it’s members. 
I will address this as your mistaken, It demonstrates that you have made close bonds with people that are like you that do not care about the rules! That's why some of them have found themselves banned for clocking up forum warning points regarding speaking about bans in status updates or creating threads for drama.

A little silly really, Seeing the mass unban list as already been done ready for activation they have found themselves not included in that due to their actions

Well I can’t speak to how they act on the forums or any of their actions. But my point remained that the community brought us together, for whatever reasons and I think that’s a good thing, the connections I’ve made within the community are something I’m grateful for. 

As for the rules, I assure you, I do care about them. 

So I don’t want to sound antagonistic or anything, but I’ve been banned for ‘abuse to staff’ and ‘boasting about being unbanned’ (which the ban was overturned anyways) but I’ve yet to see any actual evidence of me doing any of this? I’m not sure if their is something I’m missing, as I’m trying to be as open as possible to get this all resolved

I understand the messages I’ve sent to the staff team, but I wouldn’t say it’s abuse, I’ve known them guys for a long time. Been friends with them, the last thing I would want to do is to throw abuse at them. 

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Well... Now you have turned this appeal into something worse, You are questioning the decision of the staff team

So that eliminates me from this appeal as i was on holiday! and its now up to @Stavik to advise you all the rules you broke and make the final decision taking in your previous bans into full consideration.

Good luck

You mean the @Stavik that shot at me in BZ and then got me banned for shooting into the BZ in retaliation? While he himself got off without punishment? 

Im not being funny, I’ve been as open and honest in this appeal as is requested. All I asked for is that the evidence of ‘abuse’ and ‘boasting’ was at least shown to me so I could understand who I’ve offended and where I’ve gone wrong. 

Oh I think you are being funny

You sir have had more unbans on this server than any other player and you sit here questioning this communities staff team, I think weve been fair enough and I am no longer asking @Stavik to come here and explain the rule breaches him and @KingGodDiabloZ observed.

Thats the end of this appeal, I ve given you far too much time in the past. 

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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