In-game Name
Valid Salad
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
This is not a unban appeal but more of a complaint or question, but i would like to get unbanned anyway lmao, anyway im just going to get to the point. I know 6 months have not passed and as i said this is more of a complaint or question. So i accepted my ban which was a 1.6 ban which i thought was for something else i did but then a few days back i checked my email cause i was doing some stuff, and while checking my stuff i realize that i have got an email by, and it seems my ban was for something else then what i thought. It seems i got banned for a reply in a report i made on a player and the player that i was reporting replied to the post and an admin did as well, now i did not have any video evidence so they asked me to provide but i didnt have any since i forgot to record. Now the player i was reporting offered to comp me since i lost my gear as well. So i replied "@(players name) yea its good just thought it was a little unrealistic to ninja your way inside and out but yea its cool, and sure ill take the 200k lmaoo, also i dont have any video evidence since i forgot to turn the recording on so yea lmao", now as you can see i was trying to be cool about what happened since the player i was reporting was cool towards me. And somehow i got banned for saying i dont have video evidence and that i would accept the comp. Even the admin that was reviewing the case said that we could sort it out privately and somehow i manage to get banned. Now all i want is a explanation about my ban and what caused it. Btw the admin that banned me's called "NotMattch".
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
this happened like 1-2 weeks ago and yea this is more of a question for my ban.
Why do you want to return ?
Now this is just if the ban ends up being unfair or something like that, i want to return cause im a dedicated player and this server is literally one of the best arma rp servers ive played on. I play and i grind as much as i can so yea. Also all of my friends play here so yea thats another thing.
Why should we unban you ?
Cause im a dedicated player and i love this server, plus the day before i was banned i grinded my ass off and made like 6 mill so yea i never got to spend that money lmao.
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here
Valid Salad
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
This is not a unban appeal but more of a complaint or question, but i would like to get unbanned anyway lmao, anyway im just going to get to the point. I know 6 months have not passed and as i said this is more of a complaint or question. So i accepted my ban which was a 1.6 ban which i thought was for something else i did but then a few days back i checked my email cause i was doing some stuff, and while checking my stuff i realize that i have got an email by, and it seems my ban was for something else then what i thought. It seems i got banned for a reply in a report i made on a player and the player that i was reporting replied to the post and an admin did as well, now i did not have any video evidence so they asked me to provide but i didnt have any since i forgot to record. Now the player i was reporting offered to comp me since i lost my gear as well. So i replied "@(players name) yea its good just thought it was a little unrealistic to ninja your way inside and out but yea its cool, and sure ill take the 200k lmaoo, also i dont have any video evidence since i forgot to turn the recording on so yea lmao", now as you can see i was trying to be cool about what happened since the player i was reporting was cool towards me. And somehow i got banned for saying i dont have video evidence and that i would accept the comp. Even the admin that was reviewing the case said that we could sort it out privately and somehow i manage to get banned. Now all i want is a explanation about my ban and what caused it. Btw the admin that banned me's called "NotMattch".
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
this happened like 1-2 weeks ago and yea this is more of a question for my ban.
Why do you want to return ?
Now this is just if the ban ends up being unfair or something like that, i want to return cause im a dedicated player and this server is literally one of the best arma rp servers ive played on. I play and i grind as much as i can so yea. Also all of my friends play here so yea thats another thing.
Why should we unban you ?
Cause im a dedicated player and i love this server, plus the day before i was banned i grinded my ass off and made like 6 mill so yea i never got to spend that money lmao.
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here