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Permanent Ban Appeal - UNMCSoap

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In-game Name


Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

just generally being a shit head, annoying staff ect

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

not alot, working, watching netflix, enjoying life

Why do you want to return ?

have fun, see all the new people, come play again and start fresh.

Why should we unban you ?

because since then I have changed, I see the server is turning over a new leaf and I'd like to start again and have fun with some old faces

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


The server is not turning over a new leaf... this is about players who were dickheads in the past turning over a new leaf and approaching this mass unban with a different point of view.

The question is have you grown up or are you still a little kid ?

I cannot seem to tell by the effort you put into this appeal.

first of all, i'm grateful for the reply.

I agree in the past i was being toxic and being a shit head, then you gave me a second chance and I ruined it again, but its down to your own discretion whether or not you believe i've changed, all i can do is say that i've been away for along time now but would love to come and try again, all of the people I used to play with I no longer speak to, im just here for some fun, not to cause an issue, it would be a shame to not be aloud to come back and re live some old memories with some old faces.

I understand my behaviour hasn't been the best but i'm here again to prove it will be different this time.

not sure why aj is getting mentioned, never played with him by myself it was always in gangs on other servers, didn't even speak to him that much?? 🤔

But yes I think for myself now.

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I am guessing from that response you do not remember the night you was 1.6 banned ?

I was first 1.6 for saying shit to drew and then again for bad roleplay?

I'm confused because I never played with aj whilst playing rpuk?

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Maybe not on here but when he was banned and hitting these forums hard with racist shit you was sat next to him in a teamspeak room.... Guess you will claim you didn't have any part to play in that and told him he was being childish.... Nope

It was concluded by your recent in-game actions at that time that you just wanted to cause drama and trouble here.

I have a funny feeling you will continue down that path if you are to return.

Whats with the anime porn picture on your steam community profile ? and the multiple game bans with the last one being only 126 days ago ?

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that's a lot of questions, 

Firstly, I wasn't in a team speak with him whilst he was doing that, probably someone else called ryan, like I said I don't know him that well.

steam ban was from PUBG, the game died in players so I used a Recoil script, which got me banned.

Not here to cause drama, its a roleplay server i'm not sure what drama I could cause?, non of my bans have been for anything too serious I'm confused why I'm being treated like such a threat when people hacking and being racist are un-banned? 

Its a lot of questions because out of 30,000 people our staff team decided you burnt bridges here and was not worth an unban, So for me to be settled that you will be returning to Roleplay UK to Roleplay and not cause issues you unfortunately are going to need to satisfy me, or alternatively I can just end this appeal.

No it was your TS ID on investigation, intinally it was confirmed by another one of your friends that you was present... I would reveal a name but knowing the level of maturity you will call them a "snake"

So Playerunknown who has been kind to this community in the past by giving access to run events on his dedicated server you decided to run hacks in his game ? How do we know your not going to use recoil scripts here ?

Why are you being treated like this... Well the racist comments by others who have got unbanned that happened to be there first or second ban, Your 1.6 was your 5th ban here i want players here who will follow the rules as much as they can and roleplay as much as they can... not players who decide when the rules apply to them and who are only a stone away from some unnecessary bollocks to spoil others fun.

Or do you feel i should not want that ? Entertain me

Im not sure if its worth pursuing this appeal, it feels like you've made your mind up already.


There is no chance I would remember sitting in a ts room months ago, it couldn't have been that entertaining, but if I was i'm not sure why I am being punished for his actions, I don't agree with what hes done, although being there is enough to paint us with the same brush, me telling him to stop wouldn't have made a difference, but I agree what he did was wrong.

I'm unsure why un-banning me is such a process, like last time, if I mess up, you can ban me and ill leave, each time I've been banned I have left it at that and carried on with my life.

To answer the 5 bans, I played on this server since 2016, 3 out of them 5 bans where for normal mistakes, only 2 could be classes as "major" from what I remember, I'm here for fun and to have a laugh, if I cause trouble just ban me?, I've never caused issues on the site which directly affect anyone, maybe a few comments here and there but never posting racist stuff or being overly mean.

I feel like I've been given a bad name by others around me, I understand that I haven't been a saint but not to the level of others, which is why I am here appealing trying to get another chance to go on and have fun with old faces not cause issues.

Ultimately, your mind is set on me and I understand that, but giving me another chance will be something you won't regret.

Im not sure if its worth pursuing this appeal, it feels like you've made your mind up already.
I am I not allowed to dig a little when someone is appealing a 1.6 ban ? Wait a moment that's not for you to answer! Yes I can and I will!

There is no chance I would remember sitting in a ts room months ago, it couldn't have been that entertaining, but if I was i'm not sure why I am being punished for his actions, I don't agree with what hes done, although being there is enough to paint us with the same brush, me telling him to stop wouldn't have made a difference, but I agree what he did was wrong.
Oh the little child has sheep, The jury is still out if you are one of them or not, Maybe you was but got bored but I like to believe your not 

I'm unsure why un-banning me is such a process, like last time, if I mess up, you can ban me and ill leave, each time I've been banned I have left it at that and carried on with my life.

To answer the 5 bans, I played on this server since 2016, 3 out of them 5 bans where for normal mistakes, only 2 could be classes as "major" from what I remember, I'm here for fun and to have a laugh, if I cause trouble just ban me?, I've never caused issues on the site which directly affect anyone, maybe a few comments here and there but never posting racist stuff or being overly mean.
Its such a process but I waste my time to free up time of my staff team who every time someone gets banned they need to watch... make detailed notes... apply the ban and then they need to deal with any fall out their is about a player being banned, Its time consuming! I would rather people just follow the rules and be a little bit more grown up... it really is not a lot to ask is it ?

I feel like I've been given a bad name by others around me, I understand that I haven't been a saint but not to the level of others, which is why I am here appealing trying to get another chance to go on and have fun with old faces not cause issues.
No... Each player is responsible for how they are viewed and their actions go directly on there file, I would say you gave yourself your history, I wouldn't call it a bad name I would call it a banned member with 5 bans registered, that's an unusual sight.

Ultimately, your mind is set on me and I understand that, but giving me another chance will be something you won't regret.
My mind is not set until the appeal process as been exhausted to a point where I judge if i unban the player or keep them banned with reasons

With you I would be concerned about you breaking the rules again or getting involved in yet more drama in the future, You came into this appeal with no detail whatsoever, no regret for your actions I have had to extract information and then I am getting questioned by you as to why this is such a process and my mind is set ?

Rather than giving some concrete assurances why things would be different now ? Other people have come here with detail and some regret you haven't bothered.

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Do I regret breaking the rules?, yes of course, I thought that would be clear because I am here answering your questions trying to explain things.

As for the detail, I'm unsure what else you would like to know, I'm here to play again not break rules or cause issues.

Its been 9 Months since my last ban and even more since my first one, obviously things have changed but ultimately I'm more mature, less toxic and ready to continue having fun on the server.

Since the last ban I've just been getting on with my life, I played other servers for a short while but ultimately stop playing all together to focus on other things, now I have a bit more time on my hands I'm getting back into playing games now and ready to start again hopefully on this server.

All I can do is give you my word and say that I wont mess up but it will be my actions in-game which will truly show how different I am now.

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Lets see what happens... any issues in the future that land you a permanent ban you can be assured right now we wont listen to an appeal

I suggest following the rules in future, PM me with a link to your original forum account.

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please be advised it is extremely rare for us to unban a second permanent appeal so please be careful going forward!

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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