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Permanent Ban Appeal - UnbanAccount1

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

Was originally banned for rdm, but I decided to be very very toxic. I was sat in a private teamspeak with some people and decided I would try to be a joker. I decided to go and get myself community banned while attempting to make everybody laugh, I decided to go onto Wilco's profile and make racist remarks at the time I thought this would be hilarious. I have now matured and know that this is something you don't do.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Not been playing much arma at all, I have played fifa and csgo when i do decide to play stuff. But I have about 5 months ago started the to go to the gym to improve my life.

Why do you want to return ?

There are many reasons that I would like to return the most obvious one is that this server is by the far the best roleplaying community on arma and has the highest standard of roleplay and no other servers compare to this. you don't have any hands up or die instead you have real roleplay situations were you make good interactions with people.
I would also like to return as this server is so well developed the server is miles ahead of any server, I was so stupid to get myself banned I just wanna come back to this amazing server. I am now old enough to join a faction so If I were unbanned I would really be looking into that option. I cant explain how much I want to return I know it is a very low possibility but please give me a chance to show what I can give to this community again.

Why should we unban you ?

I would like to start of by apologizing to Wilco and the community for witnessing what I said on the forums, Wilco I am truly sorry for what I said I am not a racist and I would like an opportunity to prove this and come back to this amazing community. In the last year and a half I really have changed I have realised what I would like to do with my life. I would like to be A Royal Marine and my immaturity and racism would certainly not be accepted there as the marines are a multicultural society I am really not racist I used to just be a silly little 14 year old boy. I really have changed and Im not just saying this I have so much to give to this community. I am also not a rule breaker the record shows this as the time i was on this server I only had one other ban which was for rdm. this shows when i am not being stupid I do know the rules and obide by them.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


Well apparently "Ian is a fat n***er"

Do you expect me to believe that you didn't know that was something you don't do back then ? Your insult also didn't make any sense what so ever, its a little weird isn't it... trying to make other young boys laugh over the internet ?

Surely you knew the moment you typed that comment you was never returning here ?

At the time of course I knew it was unacceptable but I was to immature to care. At the time I wasn't a racist and I will never be a racist I just used these words to try and insult someone over the internet which is ridiculous because I would have never used these words in real life. Yes it is weird trying to make over people laugh over the internet but I was a strange character trying to be edgy to people I don't even know or even speak to anymore.  Of course I know that I am very unlikely to be unbanned from these stupids comments I made and of course I can not blame you who would want what seems to be a immature racist keyboard warrior on there server but i would just like to show that is not what I am and that I can contribute good stuff to the server. maybe I dont deserve a second chance but please let me show you that a second chance will not be a mistake and that people can change.

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Well you see little comments like that have no effect on us, we wont tolerate it or allow it but have given second chances.

I looked into you a little further and after you left here you have been part of 2 very toxic community's known for allowing racist vile people, and you have even used scripts on one of them.

Its a no from us.

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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