In-game Name
Tom Cliffoff
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Was banned due to me msging a player of this community in private dm's about coming onto X server for X event. Stavik warned me after this occurred, 2 days later I was community banned by you Wilco for 1.6
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
When I returned to RPUK after the mass unban appeal I must had only spend about 3 hours on the server in total due to me being apart of another community. Since my community ban I have been running a few servers that RPUK players have been playing that being CQC servers. As well as spending my last few days on the other community
Why do you want to return ?
Ill say the usually of me saying that I have mates within this community, I don't believe I'm ready to start playing RPUK again in my belief. However, the forecasts for other ArmA 3 roleplay communities seems to all be decreasing. Yet the new and improved; community vote, suggestions etc I do see this server being a long lasting one unlike other community owners which are starting to express their true feelings about their server to the community and the future of them. I would say that my overall roleplay which comes out in the best of times came from this server, I do hope to restore this via possibly joining the NHS. I personally believe like I said I don't think I would play RPUK for a while, the reason I'm appealing this is to still talk to mates of mine within the community however, in game I do not believe I will be seen since RPUK currently is a long processing server which requires a lot of time which I currently don't have due to A-levels.
Why should we unban you ?
Wilco I said all of this wee shite in my last appeal yet none of it occurred due to me saying ow yeah yeah ill come back and join X and do X. But in reality after my account was unbanned I barely played the server not giving a single shite due to me thinking X community was far more important. Due to this error it lead to me getting community banned again which completely wasted managements time as well as your time. I wasted a good opportunity to have a fresh start on this community yet I fucked it. I could make this application later on into the future when I believe I am ready to play RPUK as well as having free time to play the server. However, I do still have close friends on this server that I would like to remain in contact with within your ts. I broke the exact same rule that lead to me being banned, don't know how I'm going to gain any trust from anyone including you Wilco after this application. That being another factor why I will be taking a break from practically all roleplay servers, and ArmA 3 in general. Thank you and sorry to all the management and you Wilco due to me wasting your time in my last application I hope over the time I am away I can reflect on my actions and possibly change my current personality.
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here
Tom Cliffoff
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Was banned due to me msging a player of this community in private dm's about coming onto X server for X event. Stavik warned me after this occurred, 2 days later I was community banned by you Wilco for 1.6
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
When I returned to RPUK after the mass unban appeal I must had only spend about 3 hours on the server in total due to me being apart of another community. Since my community ban I have been running a few servers that RPUK players have been playing that being CQC servers. As well as spending my last few days on the other community
Why do you want to return ?
Ill say the usually of me saying that I have mates within this community, I don't believe I'm ready to start playing RPUK again in my belief. However, the forecasts for other ArmA 3 roleplay communities seems to all be decreasing. Yet the new and improved; community vote, suggestions etc I do see this server being a long lasting one unlike other community owners which are starting to express their true feelings about their server to the community and the future of them. I would say that my overall roleplay which comes out in the best of times came from this server, I do hope to restore this via possibly joining the NHS. I personally believe like I said I don't think I would play RPUK for a while, the reason I'm appealing this is to still talk to mates of mine within the community however, in game I do not believe I will be seen since RPUK currently is a long processing server which requires a lot of time which I currently don't have due to A-levels.
Why should we unban you ?
Wilco I said all of this wee shite in my last appeal yet none of it occurred due to me saying ow yeah yeah ill come back and join X and do X. But in reality after my account was unbanned I barely played the server not giving a single shite due to me thinking X community was far more important. Due to this error it lead to me getting community banned again which completely wasted managements time as well as your time. I wasted a good opportunity to have a fresh start on this community yet I fucked it. I could make this application later on into the future when I believe I am ready to play RPUK as well as having free time to play the server. However, I do still have close friends on this server that I would like to remain in contact with within your ts. I broke the exact same rule that lead to me being banned, don't know how I'm going to gain any trust from anyone including you Wilco after this application. That being another factor why I will be taking a break from practically all roleplay servers, and ArmA 3 in general. Thank you and sorry to all the management and you Wilco due to me wasting your time in my last application I hope over the time I am away I can reflect on my actions and possibly change my current personality.
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here
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