In-game Name
Naylor (Can't remember if i'm honest with you)
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned for failing to report toxic/racist behaviour and to add onto that since I am not going to shy away from it, I have been shitting on rpuk with my colourful language from my outrage of remaining banned which made me look hypocritical at the time.
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
Just living my day to do life. I celebrated my 21st birthday last September. I had the joy of my girlfriend coming to move over in the UK with me and I have just been pretty much separating myself from gaming since then. It has not been 6 months+.
Why do you want to return ?
Well I have committed a lot of time to RPUK during my previous years and I have been someone who actually brought out interesting roleplay for a lot of people (check my recommendations if you don't believe me. Plus I think those alone show I'm not the worst person in the world who's played on this server). I am aware that I am a ''burned bridge player'' however I'm not being funny, but there's been players who have done and probably said a LOT worse than me and they have been welcomed back into the flock. I am not saying though that I have been an angel because I know I slated rpuk a lot since my ban. I'm not going to sugar coat, I was fucking racist, called everyone autistic, the whole shabang. (I know this is very shameful to say however you prefer honesty, so that's what you'll get). Ya'know.. Despite my little rage against rpuk, I actually loved playing on it. I think my hours spent speaks for itself when it comes to that as well. I do enjoy playing here believe it or not and I would like to apologise for slating rpuk as it wasn't within my best interest to be going all out in that manner so therefore you have my apologies. Forgive me, don't forgive me.. At least I know that I stepped up and apologised. I'm 21.. I know when I'm wrong.
Why should we unban you ?
Jesus christ, don't even get me started on this question. Nevertheless, it is a requirement to fill this question out so here we go! I have been a dedicated member to rpuk ever since I joined, I have been a player who has been someone to bring A LOT of rp to rpuk but also someone who has brough a lot of shame to himself with his fuck ups. I also know that I am a loved by some and hated by many kind of player by many.. Fuck it, I'll admit it. I just want to get one thing straight actually now I think about it.. Wilco, I was talking sooooo much shit about you whilst I was banned this year and you know what, I don't know why I did. I don't hate you in the slightest nor do I like you (I haven't really met you throughout my time being a member of rpuk so I can't say either :\). I do however respect you, you gave me a chance in my last perm appeal and I shouldn't throw that back in your face so that being said, I am sorry. I would also like to get the mass rdm off of my chest. I played ZERO part in that bloody thing other than spectate it! Apparently word was on the street that I planned the fucking thing when I only found out that it was happening on the day it happened. Charlie and Hawk wanted to mass rdm for Charlies copyright strike on his video (so I believe). I will apologise for watching said people mass rdm the server but I would like to know how the judgement was made that I planned it. All in all, you've had spill the whole tea there.. Now whether it gets me anywhere, I guess I find out one day. I guess that remains to be foreseen. Now I know there will be soooooo many people reading this appeal thinking ''keep Naylor banned'' and all of that bollocks and I guess that's fine.. I can't get on every bodies good side. Look at the end of the day, I'm human and I've fucked up quite a lot. I'm not a perfect man by no means. You will come to find I do have a good heart when you get to know me (thats if anyone still wants to know me after all the shit that's happened hahaha) Anyway, I'm not going throw you the "I'm reformed" bullshit because lets face facts, I'm just as capable as anyone else to throw some racist, discriminating shit around any day of the week however I know that rpuk likes to keep their servers clean, that's why you've never heard me drop anything like that in ts or in game. I respect rpuk in that manner and that will never change. Cheers for reading this appeal.. Who knows it might get shot down in the first response or hell maybe there is some forgiveness for me out there. If the ban gets lifted, then I am one lucky person. Iff not, I won't lose sleep over it as I do have my life to live plus I am expecting the worse since I have gone overboard since my ban. I do have good intentions within rpuk however I have been really stupid just like many others have been.
From the ''evil'' Naylor that everyone despises.
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here
Naylor (Can't remember if i'm honest with you)
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned for failing to report toxic/racist behaviour and to add onto that since I am not going to shy away from it, I have been shitting on rpuk with my colourful language from my outrage of remaining banned which made me look hypocritical at the time.
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
Just living my day to do life. I celebrated my 21st birthday last September. I had the joy of my girlfriend coming to move over in the UK with me and I have just been pretty much separating myself from gaming since then. It has not been 6 months+.
Why do you want to return ?
Well I have committed a lot of time to RPUK during my previous years and I have been someone who actually brought out interesting roleplay for a lot of people (check my recommendations if you don't believe me. Plus I think those alone show I'm not the worst person in the world who's played on this server). I am aware that I am a ''burned bridge player'' however I'm not being funny, but there's been players who have done and probably said a LOT worse than me and they have been welcomed back into the flock. I am not saying though that I have been an angel because I know I slated rpuk a lot since my ban. I'm not going to sugar coat, I was fucking racist, called everyone autistic, the whole shabang. (I know this is very shameful to say however you prefer honesty, so that's what you'll get). Ya'know.. Despite my little rage against rpuk, I actually loved playing on it. I think my hours spent speaks for itself when it comes to that as well. I do enjoy playing here believe it or not and I would like to apologise for slating rpuk as it wasn't within my best interest to be going all out in that manner so therefore you have my apologies. Forgive me, don't forgive me.. At least I know that I stepped up and apologised. I'm 21.. I know when I'm wrong.
Why should we unban you ?
Jesus christ, don't even get me started on this question. Nevertheless, it is a requirement to fill this question out so here we go! I have been a dedicated member to rpuk ever since I joined, I have been a player who has been someone to bring A LOT of rp to rpuk but also someone who has brough a lot of shame to himself with his fuck ups. I also know that I am a loved by some and hated by many kind of player by many.. Fuck it, I'll admit it. I just want to get one thing straight actually now I think about it.. Wilco, I was talking sooooo much shit about you whilst I was banned this year and you know what, I don't know why I did. I don't hate you in the slightest nor do I like you (I haven't really met you throughout my time being a member of rpuk so I can't say either :\). I do however respect you, you gave me a chance in my last perm appeal and I shouldn't throw that back in your face so that being said, I am sorry. I would also like to get the mass rdm off of my chest. I played ZERO part in that bloody thing other than spectate it! Apparently word was on the street that I planned the fucking thing when I only found out that it was happening on the day it happened. Charlie and Hawk wanted to mass rdm for Charlies copyright strike on his video (so I believe). I will apologise for watching said people mass rdm the server but I would like to know how the judgement was made that I planned it. All in all, you've had spill the whole tea there.. Now whether it gets me anywhere, I guess I find out one day. I guess that remains to be foreseen. Now I know there will be soooooo many people reading this appeal thinking ''keep Naylor banned'' and all of that bollocks and I guess that's fine.. I can't get on every bodies good side. Look at the end of the day, I'm human and I've fucked up quite a lot. I'm not a perfect man by no means. You will come to find I do have a good heart when you get to know me (thats if anyone still wants to know me after all the shit that's happened hahaha) Anyway, I'm not going throw you the "I'm reformed" bullshit because lets face facts, I'm just as capable as anyone else to throw some racist, discriminating shit around any day of the week however I know that rpuk likes to keep their servers clean, that's why you've never heard me drop anything like that in ts or in game. I respect rpuk in that manner and that will never change. Cheers for reading this appeal.. Who knows it might get shot down in the first response or hell maybe there is some forgiveness for me out there. If the ban gets lifted, then I am one lucky person. Iff not, I won't lose sleep over it as I do have my life to live plus I am expecting the worse since I have gone overboard since my ban. I do have good intentions within rpuk however I have been really stupid just like many others have been.
From the ''evil'' Naylor that everyone despises.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here
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