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Permanent Ban Appeal - Tommy Shelby Unban

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In-game Name

Tommy Shelby

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

Was 1.6d did not write an appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was banned because I wrote an unban appeal on another roleplay website which 'slagged' off RPUK in a joking way, I cannot remember entirely if I did but I believe I made an 'un-tasteful' but non-offensive joke about a staff member in the appeal - I really cannot remember.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

I've been living in South Africa for over a year now, I got banned on a UK visit back last year in Feb 2018 I think, I've lost over 50KG - I was veryyy obese, I haven't been on my computer etc as it's in the UK. I've been working here. I'm now a trainee member of Sea Rescue, the NSRI (SA equivalent to the RNLI), as well as getting involved with volunteer fire fighting - we've had some hectic wildfires as of late -
Essentially i've been living in the real world rather than the fantasy of a computer.

Why do you want to return ?

I shall be returning for a short while (before March), with the new car MOT laws unfortunately my car won't pass, something along the lines of rust the size of a 2p coin on the exhaust, as well as a small handbrake fault -- I won't be in the UK for long, not longer than a month - I don't see the point in paying for insurance, MOT, Tax etc on a car for such a short time and so it would be great to get on RPUK again - Although I was 'sick' of RPUK, and not just RPUK but being on Arma for hours and hours for days on end, I've had over a years break from it, sorted my life out thus far and would like to come back and have a laugh like I used too.
There are occasions where I miss the rpuk banter etc - as well as having friends also back from being abroad who can come and join in.

Why should we unban you ?

I think everybody who knows / knew me in-game knows i'm not toxic, I would RP to high standards and always had a good laugh with whoever in whatever situation - I was banned once for a mistake that i admitted too and was soon unbanned. I was never in 'trouble' for rule breaks etc and I was an avid and keen roleplayer who enjoyed the server and never exploited rules / tried to reduce anybody's game experience (be toxic).
The reason I wrote the unban and slagged off RPUK was put simply, and with no real excuse, I was bored, I was playing RPUK for up to 20 hours a day, wake up 7am play till 4am sort of sessions, I skipped valuable 6th form classes etc etc. I had gained a lot of weight, avoided going out with mates as I just couldn’t be arsed etc etc. I thought I was depressed when in reality I was just depressed from doing nothing but play Arma 24/7.
A lot of friends had gone to reborn for numerous reasons and I thought ‘ah screw it lets get on there it’ll be a laugh’. I got on for a few hours never to go on it again.

Another factor was the server was in my opinion ‘dying’ at the time, there were little people playing and the server was getting boring.
I was part of the UNMC, I had put a HUGE amount of effort into making my own specialised unit, joining the police ‘undercover’ etc etc, as well as spending countless hours on helping with the ‘UNMC map change’ - which in the end never happened along with the UNMC being disbanded - now that is insignificant right? Who actually cares? But when RPUK was literally all that I was doing it was quite big, it didn’t affect me in terms of being upset etc, it just annoyed me at the time.
I was also wildy over - addicted to RPUK and when i returned from being abroad for 3 months I didn't care too much about being banned - hence the reborn unban appeal.
Since moving on from the PC, losing weight and being involved in Sea Rescue i’ve changed completely. What I did was immature put simply and it wouldn’t happen again.
Like i said - I never broke rules, was rarely reported and on the few times I was reported it was found I had broken no rules and that the reporter was at fault etc etc.
I apologise to whichever staff member I ‘insulted’ - I cannot remember at all - and know it was simply a joke and wasn’t meant to cause offence etc etc.
I’d like to reconnect with the server for the short time i’m back and potentially bring my PC back to my SA home.

I acknowledge that I haven't written much, however there isn't much more that I can add, I never hindered anybody's gameplay, I didn't rule break within game to affect anybody,  wrote a stupid unban appeal - showing that I wasn't interested in being toxic within game etc. 

Thanks for reading!

(I'm second from the right just for proof) - 

p.s i remember making a fake forum account a few months back, not to cause issues, I was curious to see who was still around, what had replaced the UNMC and just to see how RPUK had developed, i did comment on my banned account, stupidly and have 0 reasons / excuse for it.


Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here





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Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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