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Permanent Ban Appeal - TommehUnban (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

ket.supreme depop sella

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was banned for rule 1.6, blanket ban on the gang KET, as I was a trial member of this gang, I got caught up in it. The whole situation went down when a roleplay wedding situation went sour, and some of the gang members crossed the line in regard to rules, specifically VDM and RDM. I was online and active as the situation was unfolding, however during the wedding ceremony, albeit short-ending, I was sat on a pew near MikeRaft listening to the ceremony, I had no real gun, except for my rook, and when not in the Church I spent my time continuing my goto roleplay story, of being a geeza who resells supreme, asking people if they wanted to buy it. I think the whole plan was to reck the wedding, and create a stick up style scene, when the proper ceremony actually commenced (which I had been told was approved by senior admins), and try and take the Bride and Groom hostage. Whilst this was going on, I got knocked out by police for driving my own car, which was supposedly stolen. My mates came over and initiated thoroughly on them, and about 3 or 4 guys pointed guns at them. The police didn’t surrender and the whole thing turned into a small gunfight. Then, there was a later gunfight near the castle, and through my point of view, that thing was a massive confusion and muddle over comms, I was not sure what was going on.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

6 months have not passed, only around a week. I didn't want to appeal any early as I wanted to see how things padded out before I went and appealed this ban. I spend a lot of my time training, as I am a rower, which consumes a large amount of my life, recently just raced along the Tideway in SHORR. Also been revising for my GCSEs, and recently did my expedition for my Silver DofE in the new forest, was tiring but fun. Gaming wise I spend most my time playing Fornite with my friends, I have little interest in Arma now, as I don't think any other community comes close to being as good or as gripping as RPUK. I did try the other community that members of KET who were less interested in RPUK went to, however didn’t enjoy it as much as I have in this community, and so have very little playtime on it.

Why do you want to return ?

I want to return, because RPUK is undoubtedly the best altis life community out there. I miss all the mates I have made in the police, and just want to get back on the server. I gave me things to do which I enjoyed, and sorely miss now. No other altis life server has people who actually care about roleplay like RPUK, or is well made as RPUK, or has as wholesome and kind a community as RPUK, or is as well staffed as RPUK. I want to get back to the police, after waiting a few months for my birthday to come around, and then rejoin a whitelisting roleplay based faction, with a hierarchy and persistent and regulated guidelines.

Why should we unban you ?

I have never been here for the gunfights, and I think a lot of people, including some staff will back me on this point. I have only ever made videos on my channel of roleplay, heck, I’ve even made a skit-style video condemning frag montages, describing my opinion on how they are stupid and don't give anywhere near the full picture. I love this community and have made millions of friends here, as well as, hopefully, leaving a positive mark so far; entertaining East Altis members with my events when I was in police, making some videos which some people enjoyed, and having fun with others with the occasional continued RP story. I don't have any bad intentions on the server, and while I'm not saying I'm totally innocent and should never have been banned, I can guarantee nothing like this will happen again. I have spent most of my time in the police, as a INS, a roleplaying faction, and only recently left to try rebel out. I joined the wrong gang, with some of the wrong people, as I was naïve to the whole thing, and payed the price.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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Hello Tom,
I have been made aware that you will leave for a holiday in two days time and will be gone for a week. You were on your police holiday while you were part of KET. You don't really have any background in questionable behaviour which makes me surprised that you would associate with a gang that did show a lot of questionable behaviour before the blanket ban took place.
Could you tell me why you chose this group to play with during your police holiday?

Hey @Nalurah,

Many thanks for the reply especially considering the circumstances. I had actually left the police before the ban and when I joined KET as a trial I hadn't been a member of the force for a few weeks, I apologies if I may have not made that particularly clear, as I left the police without very much official notice. My reasons for leaving the police was that with revision for upcoming public exams, I wouldn't have the time to be active in the police, as so I decided I would leave voluntarily as supposed to being kicked out, and leaving on bad terms.

Regardless, I will answer your question to the best of my ability, about why I joined ket in the first place. As a police officer, I spent my first police holiday with the lings. A group of good friends, mostly, who weren't solely centered towards gunfights, but also enjoyed plenty of roleplay. I did a few roleplay HM's, and one proper HM, where two admins attended on our side. When I left the police, I wanted to play with these friends again, (Mikeraft, Poults, WiLLY etc.), and so I joined the gang Supremacy. All my good mates were active members of the gang, and I really enjoyed my time there, however it was short lived; as the leaders of Supremacy decided to disband the gang, and join the, at the time, newly formed gang KET. I was annoyed about this decision, as it seemed all my friends were leaving to a gang of which I didn't like half of the roster. Regardless, I wanted to stay with my mates, and so joined the gang, even if I wasn't all for the decision.

I guess everything went sour as some of supremacy's leaders mingled with KET's ex-OG members, and certain members began to become so frag-hungry they showed a disregard to the rules.  Looking back, I am appalled by some of the members of KET , especially the command, who I think made a fair few bad decisions along the line. I cant say I didn't make a bad decision joining the gang, and wish I had followed a different path.


It has become a bit of a trend that when members leave the police they go a bit far with the new found freedom and tend to bend the rules a little (or a lot). What would you personally feel is the best way to prevent that for yourself?
Also if you were to be unbanned what would your plans on the server be?

Thanks for the fast reply. I think a problem like this could be avoided by paying much closer attention to the background of a gang if I were to join it,  and the members history. I think I overlooked this, assuming some of my friends would associate with the right people, and the whole fact that I was quite new to rebel, and unexperienced coming from a year in police. I didn't expect the rebel community to be that different, however obviously found out otherwise.

I am currently 15, so would not be able to join police straight away. However my birthday is in June, so when that time comes round I plan on rejoining police and building up my police career again.

Cheers, Tom.

Based on your history, Tom, I feel like the best place for you is indeed a whitelisted faction. Twice now you have been banned when you were a rebel. Once when you were relatively new to the server and robbed someone in a greenzone. I am going to assume you hadn't read the rules yet. And once while you associated with the wrong group of people.
As for the rest of your history on the server, mainly your police career, you have an outstanding record which of course speaks in your favor.

June is only two months away, in that short period of time I expect you to mainly play as a civilian and NHS (if they have kept you whitelisted). To give an extra motivator to roleplay rather than 'frag' you are only allowed to carry legal guns.

Under these terms I shall unban you. Don't make me regret the decision to give you another chance!

UNBANNED: 76561198136398664

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

I wont let you down. Thanks.

P.S. Should I put another appeal up for discord, TS, forum bans?

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Done, hop on ts. Would like to have a word with you.

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