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Permanent Ban Appeal - Stutch Aulton

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Stutch Aulton

In-game Name


Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

i was banned for using racist language

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

I have recently got a new job, i also got filled in not long ago and ended up hospitalized with a broken arm and no teeth


Why do you want to return ?

i want to return to play with my friends on the server and carry out roleplay.

Why should we unban you ?

In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.
Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
i was banned for using racist language

Why should we unban you ?
I should be unbanned because I wasn't trying to hurt anyone with my words, I just spoke before i thought. I understand the servers rules on any racist language however i would like to make it aware that i was only "reported" as part of a revenge for somebody being kicked from the gang. Obviously this is no reason to be using derogatory language, but it wasn't directed at anybody and i didn't mean it in a derogatory way. Simply just talking shit amongst friends in a closed channel, im sure we've all been guilty of letting the occasional offensive word slip from our mouths. the only difference is that i have been targeted by an ex member out for revenge.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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I just spoke before i thought.
Your ban notes

Video received of him shouting "N****R N****R N****R N****R" on teamspeak. 100% him.

NIGGER KILLER3000 (Name, 16 days ago)

I believe this is more than speaking before thinking, That's 2 different occasions where you have been racist.

Now you say you were in a closed channel with friends, Firstly that doesn't matter it's our network and the rules apply to every channel every server, secondly, one of your friends did find it very offensive and reported it and rightly so.

This isn't a slip of the tongue, you were shouting it over and over before this you went on Arma and set your name to the name above.

So let's stop playing this down, how about you deal with it head-on.

Right, i done wrong there is not much to say i can say... but all i can do is say sorry for my actions its not me im not a racist person. i can 100% guarantee i it will not happen again... i hold my hands up and take full responsibility for what i did.

iv learnt from it and realized how idiotic it is to say stuff like that even if its not intended to offend anyone. 

also about the name i was stupid to do that and was a massive mistake... i apologize to anyone that was offended and have well and truly learnt my lesson.

@Stutch Aulton I do not understand why you would approach this appeal from the off with the standpoint of a slip of the tongue when it was clearly more than that.

Clearly, your racist and your actions were not a big deal for you

So why was you shouting the N-word that night.... was this one of those "snake tests?, Also please explain why you changed your arma name to "N***** killer3000"

Maybe I did approach it wrong. Infact I know I did. I changed my name to that out of sheer stupidity asweI as shouting what I did.

I have learnt my lesson on what I have done and can 110% say this will never happen again.

like I said I offer out my deepest apologies to anyone I offended and deserved what I got. 

I understand I done wrong but I also know this was a mistake and was never intended to hurt anyone... I’ve learnt a life lesson by this.

I'd also like to add that the name N***$ KILLER3000 was not used on RPUK and i never intended to use it on here. There was a guy streaming RPUK by the name of Sheeky anyhow he got banned for breaking rules and word got about he was streaming so i decided to go check his stream out. He was talking a whole load of shit about RPUK saying that admins allow people to donate in order to get money on the server, apparently admins were biased and defended certain players. He was a melon tbh he thought he could change his IP and get back on the server after being banned. This is the reason for the name change i thought since hes chatting shit about RPUK i thought fuck it im gonna join his new server hes on and kill him. Probably wasn't the smartest thing to do i know and the name was deffo not the smartest but i did it anyways.

@Stutch Aulton It doesn't really matter if it was used here or not... no decent person would ever have there name as that... no decent person would be shouting the N word.

I do not care about a story some streamer was pulling out there ass, the majority of them only care about content for there own stream and they have brought nothing but trolls this way so you were wasting your time as well as being disgusting.

Really odd that your part of a steam group that gets sadistic kicks out of stream sniping other gamers, Nothing better to do with your time?

I do not believe you have learned any lesson, I strongly believe this is normal behaviour for you as some sort of weird attempt to impress those around you, I mean we seen that with your first ban commenting on the forums.

I do not believe the gang you're wanting to rejoin needs someone like you right now... It's already on borrowed time allowing ban evaders (racist ones that hack because there shit at the game) a free reign

I am not convinced

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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