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Permanent Ban Appeal - STANDUP_UNBANN

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was banned for rule 1.6, basically i was very irresponsible. I, with the anticipated return of a gang i had been in called the slap heads, thought that it would be a good idea if i Incorporated the management of the server into the rebirth and created a post called "Wilco is a slap head" i didn't realise that it would be taken seriously and at the time genuinely thought it was a good idea.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Over the last 6 months I haven't really been doing a lot of gaming, I have got my upcoming GCSE's that I have been revising for and I have also found an interest in cars and when I haven't been revising i have been going out with irl friends and going to car meets. I also for a time was trying to find a new community and although staying in one for a while i ended up leaving it behind for the most part, because honestly this one is something special. After this i decided that I would take a step away from arma and then decided to distance myself from the people who I was feeling had a negative impact on me. I then decided to focus on myself and my friends helping them out through some issues that seemed to be brewing.

And now here I am, with summer just around the corner I feel that i will have a large amount of free time again and I feel that I would enjoy playing with some of my old mates that i have previously played with before my ban, lastly i feel that i have matured greatly and have changed for the better and therefore i think that now would be the best time for me to try and appeal my ban and put things right.

Why do you want to return ?

I want to return because, I have missed the charisma that I get from this server. I used to come on and be able to go to any part of a populated area and talk to someone and know them. I would be able to talk to anyone and feel welcome. I felt welcome the whole time that I played the server. I feel that roleplayuk was a big part of me, as I used to load up arma every day and play RPUK. I Would talk about RPUK and my Arma 3 goings at school. People didn't have a clue what I was on about but I loved it. I've lately felt like that is missing. I don't go around telling my school friends quotes that people have said or anything I find myself quoting stuff that I and other old friends used to say on RPUK.

A lot of my old friends still play the server and encourage me to write an unban appeal, It would be a blast from the past as I have not played with these people in over 6 months now.

Why should we unban you ?

I believe that I should be given a second chance as I believe that I have matured over the last 6 months. If you believe that I have not then that's not my decision to make. As I've matured I've learned more how to think before I say. I normally don't say bad things but occasionally a few things slip out every now again, I have defiantly started thinking more before I say. Especially as things now days will be taken a lot more seriously and should be taken more seriously in my opinion.

I also believe and know that what I wrote was very immature however it was not written with malicious intent, with this i am not trying to say what i wrote was right and if i could i would go back and not post it and it really did prove my immaturity at the time.. And really I did deserve it and have learnt my lesson. I would like to prove to you my maturity and how i have matured over the last 6 months.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


I've not read quite so many lies in such a short amount of words in all my life, you just happened to abuse Wilco on a total coincidence? What about the abusive behaviour that followed? 

Don't waste out time further. 

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