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Permanent Ban Appeal - ry_unban2

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In-game Name

(SOS) MP. Ryan Elliott

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

3.7 Baiting shots

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

hasnt been 6 months

Why do you want to return ?

I didnt bait shots, they tazed my friend who initiated on them on my behalf and they shot my tyres so i got out and shot them.

Why should we unban you ?

Even if it is seen as baiting, i am sorry, but i dont see why i have been given a straight perm, not even a 1 day ban. Yes i have a history but in the post by wilco it says you dont hold grudges and to me it seems like some staff do.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


His friend was talking to police and was in cuff. He then keep circle around police in hemet got told multi times to move out of the way or he they will shot tires. after 2 min he was still driving around in circle they start shot tires and drove straight to a hill and start shooting the police. WHen spoken to he did not agree in baiting in anyway. And ended saying that XXXX is 10 times better than this shitty server.
I think you will find the perm ban came when you mentioned another server (by name)... saying its 10x better and this server is shitty.

What did you expect was going to happen ? 

Forgot to mention that in your appeal... trying to kick up more drama than this should of been ?

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I think you will find the perm ban came when you mentioned another server (by name)... saying its 10x better and this server is shitty.

What did you expect was going to happen ? 

Forgot to mention that in your appeal... trying to kick up more drama than this should of been ?
no mate, i said that ill go back to the other server, after he said id be perm banned. 10x never came into the equation 

@DELETER can you confirm ?

In regards to the ban unless you have a recording of the entire thing that can show a different point of view then the staff decision must always be respected, not argued and mentioning a server by name (if you did) then that would be a permanent ban especially the pretend roleplay one!

@DELETER can you confirm ?

In regards to the ban unless you have a recording of the entire thing that can show a different point of view then the staff decision must always be respected, not argued and mentioning a server by name (if you did) then that would be a permanent ban especially the pretend roleplay one!
did mention the servers name not going to say i didnt, but i just said id go back there, since if i was perm banned what else can i do 

tbf i didnt even play arma for months until i got unbanned here so wouldve just went back to fortnite main

@ry_unban2 Is that really something you needed to say ? Why not agree to disagree and head to the appeals at that point ?

This is the problem i now have

3.7 is a temp ban so if it was just that this now would be corrected to a 24 hour ban as you have no evidence to show a different point of view.

The mentioning of our copycat community on the server will always will be a permanent ban, no legs to stand on considering your past, In terms of if you have then chucked your toys out the pram and said its 10x better and this is a shitty server (after a non roleplay ban) well... that would say to me this is 100% the wrong server for you and your kidding yourself.

This is the problem i now have

3.7 is a temp ban so if it was just that this now would be corrected to a 24 hour ban as you have no evidence to show a different point of view.

The mentioning of our copycat community on the server will always will be a permanent ban, no legs to stand on considering your past, In terms of if you have then chucked your toys out the pram and said its 10x better and this is a shitty server (after a non roleplay ban) well... that would say to me this is 100% the wrong server for you and your kidding yourself.
as i said prior, did not say it was better, just said ill have to go back there but wouldnt, just threw me toys out pram aye 

I did tell you it was baiting for what you did and your only defend was they were shooting at my windows.  And you showed a don't care attitude even i told you that you where in the wrong. And with the attitude you showed and no remorse of breaking server rules perm ban was issued since you just came out of 1.6. Right after i said that you said just ban me .... is 10 times better anyway and just sec before i press the ban you said something on the line shitty s or something on that line. but i could be wrong what you said last since ban happen just before you said the hole line. 

I did tell you it was baiting for what you did and your only defend was they were shooting at my windows.  And you showed a don't care attitude even i told you that you where in the wrong. And with the attitude you showed and no remorse of breaking server rules perm ban was issued since you just came out of 1.6. Right after i said that you said just ban me .... is 10 times better anyway and just sec before i press the ban you said something on the line shitty s or something on that line. but i could be wrong what you said last since ban happen just before you said the hole line. 
personally dont think it was baiting as we had initiated and they also initiated, never said it was 10x better but i know theyll go with what you said as youre staff. I dont think my history should mean anything, as wilco even said it is only 24 hour ban worthy. 

@ry_unban2 It was only 24 hour ban worthy..........Until you mentioned that crock of shit elsewhere

I will decide tomorrow on this, seeing you havent played arma in so long rather than enjoying Roleplay and interacting with others your back to shooting and driving a vehicle around.

Banned within your first few hours back!

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@ry_unban2 It was only 24 hour ban worthy..........Until you mentioned that crock of shit elsewhere
after, i had been told i was being permed, which i am sorry for and was an empty threat that would literally effect you in no way, im just one lad wouldnt make much difference 

@ry_unban2 Have you ever viewed rule 10... You do not mention other servers on ours, its that clearcut

seeing you havent played arma in so long rather than enjoying Roleplay and interacting with others your back to shooting and driving a vehicle around.

Banned within your first few hours back!
Are you one of those frag kids who are not here to roleplay ?, You seemed to avoid that one.

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@ry_unban2 Have you ever viewed rule 10... You do not mention other servers on ours, its that clearcut

Are you one of those frag kids who are not here to roleplay ?, You seemed to avoid that one.
i have seen the rule before, i think if you ask think his name was like Sargent spoon or something me and my pal were doing some lovely RP about our hemmt box with no box in kavala PD. I do not deny i like gun fights but we have CQC and A&D for that, i try to RP as well as i can, i have been out of RP for a long time now trying to re adapt to this servers style of roleplay and quality again. 

Due to the recent mass unban you should have the right to a clean slate as published in my post

My decision on this is as follows which is due to the clean slate you are coming back with as per the mass unban.

Ban 1 - 24 Hours for the rule 3.7

Ban 2 - 48 Hours for mentioning a copycat server on our server (I am being very kind here! If you ever do this again it will be a permanent ban without the right to appeal)

Total : 72 hours auto expiring at 11/10/2019 22:20.

Your next bans within 6 months will be 1 week then permanent 

I suggest you keep the shooting to the CQC and A&D servers until you can Roleplay properly, This isn't a non role play server like the one you mentioned.

Moving to timed out as no action required.

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The appeal has been Timed out


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