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Permanent Ban Appeal - Quinntastic

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Well-known member
United Kingdom
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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was banned because I was at school in my robotics lesson around 1600 on the 28/11/17. I had discord open on my laptop as I was talking to Mikkel and Wolfy about the police. I then went to go talk to my friends as they were stuck on the programming of the robot. Once I helped them I then returned to my laptop as I had seen my friend using it but I presumed he has programmed the robot as it was connected to my laptop. After getting my laptop back I went to resume my conversation with Mikkel and Wolfy but noticed that the discord wasn't there. I then asked my friend and he said that he had commented on one of my discord channels. I then tried to find the Roleplay UK discord and I couldn't find it. I then followed up by asking him what he had said, and he replied with the N-word.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

In the last 6 months, I have been focusing on my education and studies, along with this I have matured and have realised the mistakes that I made back on the 28/11/17.

Why do you want to return ?

I would like to return because RPUK (ALUK then) was my first serious roleplay community, ever since I have been banned I have missed the quality of roleplay and the fun that I had. Because of this, I would like to return to enjoy roleplay once more and become a member of this community once again.

Why should we unban you ?

You should unban me because I have matured since the incident and have learnt from my mistakes of leaving my laptop unatteneded. I would also like to give back to this community once again.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


Was you not a moderator of the website that became "fuckroleplay.co.uk" ? when it turned out you all didn't have a clue what you were doing.

Just asking because there was alot of hate and racist posts going on there which were not moderated very well before it turned into just a salty website about this one.

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I am not aware of "fuckroleplay.co.uk"?

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I was on Illicit, but when it turned salty and racist I left. I was not aware that it changed to "fuckroleplay.co.uk"

No, you didn't leave... you were an active moderator allowing this sort of activity to go on, There were attacks against this community wrote, attacks against its staff team and racism plagued it... You did fuck all this was when you was in a position.. which makes me think maybe that's normal to you hence what you wrote on discord.

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That wasn't me on discord, and I wasn't moderating as I had left. I was not active in the community when it turned salty and racist. I would not allow that sort of behaviour if I would have seen it I would have stopped it. I am not a racist hence why I am putting this application in. I do not want to be seen as a racist when I am not.


It was your account..someone using your discord said the N-word... We've heard the whole that wasn't me it was my brother... cat... pet insect bollocks before.

You also say you weren't moderating you was still listed as one and your still a moderator on the steam group... Surely if that was incorrect and you seen what was going on you would have pressed to have your name taken off.

You may not want to be seen as a racist but you have painted this picture of yourself, Infact, your steam friends with some really racist people that you ran off to set up another banned players community with.

Something just isn't right here, Hardly wise moves after receiving a 1.2 ban here, You must have known that this would have just added weight if you ever put in that appeal after 6 months here?

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I understand on a daily, you must get pathetic excuses like "It was my brother" or "cousin" etc. But this was genuinely my friend, you asked for me to get my friend into teamspeak so you could talk to them, and prove my innocence. They came to teamspeak and you spoke to my friend who admitted it was them.

I know I was listed as a moderator on the community which posted racist comments, I wasn't aware that I was listed as a moderator on the steam group but I wasn't moderating. If I had of seen the racist comments and the "fuck roleplay" post I would have pressed to have my name removed and I wouldn't have any association with them. This is honestly the first I have heard of this.

I am also aware that I seem like a racist to you, and that I have painted a picture of me seeming a racist. If I had of said it on the 28/11/2017 then I would have owned up and taken full responsibility for my actions. But I didn't say the N-word hence why I am trying to appeal my ban. However I understand that my friends list has got racist people who are banned from this community for various reasons. But I have not spoken to them for quite some time. I know that me running off to with those people wasn't the wises of decisions but at the time I was very upset about being banned for something I didn't do. Soon after I left the community like I previously said. (Before I was aware of any racist behaviour).

I am aware that this may not seem right, but I didn't say the N-word. And at the time I didn't think about any weight that this would add, but now looking back I see that it has added a lot of weight to my appeal.

I personally do not recall such a conversation however someone did message us via facebook to advise it was them.

As of writing this @Quinntastic you are still a moderator on the associated steam group, not knowing or having any interest in the future plans at this moment you cannot be considered for an unban due to the history, if this was to change then ill proceed with this appeal.

The painted picture isn't good but I feel confident if unbanned account control and future actions would be treated differently by you if you felt you wanted to remain a member of this community.

I am no longer a moderator of the group. Could I please continue with the appeal process? Thank you for your consideration on this matter.

We will call it time served then, however, if there is anything racism related or any further association with anyone causing issues towards this community the ban will be reinstated and non appealable.

I suggest a refresh of the rules before reconnecting - https://www.roleplay.co.uk/rules/

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Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please be advised it is extremely rare for us to unban a second permanent appeal so please be careful going forward!

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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