In-game Name
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned over 2 years ago on the forums, This was prior to the ban system where when you got banned on the forums you were still able to to play on the server. I was banned on the forums because i used a picture that my friend has found which was of a bird (From what i can recall) which apparently some guy had coincidentally had made who also played on roleplay.co.uk. Anyways this guy complained to a staff member that me and 5 of my friends had, claiming copy right privileges, at this point we thought it would be funny to keep it as he was getting fairly annoyed over it. Myself and 2 other of my Friends were banned, i then stupidly and immaturely proceeded to make a alt account on the forums to put the picture as my avatar once more and was banned again. I tried appealing the forum ban to my main account, but evidently didn't go through with it and kept on playing on the server because at the time there was no ban connection to the server and forums. When i did appeal i spoke to a member of your staff with my friend at the time, i tried to tell him how i acted like an idiot and was sorry for my actions but he kept cutting me off and i was unable to make any sort of statement in my defense, I think if my memory is correct i was banned from the team speak also as he did not like the fact that i was trying to defend myself.
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
Working mainly in customer service related jobs, also have been working in production of steel and metals. Ive been working towards obtaining my driving licence so i can hopefully obtain a better paying job. Ive also taken a break from steam and pc gaming in general for about 6 months after i was banned from the server 2+ years ago. Im also currently hoping to do a paramedic course in the near future.
Why do you want to return ?
Personally my favorite and most enjoyable times in Atlis Life RP were spent on Roleplay.co.uk, I remember doing copper runs in my boxer trucks with my friends which were the most stressful experiences ive ever had in a game(Mainly from trying not to be robbed at devils bend or the copper dealer by some guy with a pistol). I also love the fact that Roleplay.co.uk offers one of the if not the best role-play servers in Arma3. Ive played on many other servers in Arma 3 and by far Roleplay was the top dog in my opinion. My friends have also returned to play on your server and unfortunately due to my ban i am unable to join.
Why should we unban you ?
Because i am very sorry for what happened, I understand that what i did was highly immature, i was immature back when i was 17 and at times did not have the best judgement (as is proven due to my ban). I would like to mention that whilst on your server i was never once banned no kicked or even warned by a member of staff in game as i truly enjoyed the server and that community. I wish to once again apologize for my behavior and hope that we can move on from what i did in the past.
Thank you
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned over 2 years ago on the forums, This was prior to the ban system where when you got banned on the forums you were still able to to play on the server. I was banned on the forums because i used a picture that my friend has found which was of a bird (From what i can recall) which apparently some guy had coincidentally had made who also played on roleplay.co.uk. Anyways this guy complained to a staff member that me and 5 of my friends had, claiming copy right privileges, at this point we thought it would be funny to keep it as he was getting fairly annoyed over it. Myself and 2 other of my Friends were banned, i then stupidly and immaturely proceeded to make a alt account on the forums to put the picture as my avatar once more and was banned again. I tried appealing the forum ban to my main account, but evidently didn't go through with it and kept on playing on the server because at the time there was no ban connection to the server and forums. When i did appeal i spoke to a member of your staff with my friend at the time, i tried to tell him how i acted like an idiot and was sorry for my actions but he kept cutting me off and i was unable to make any sort of statement in my defense, I think if my memory is correct i was banned from the team speak also as he did not like the fact that i was trying to defend myself.
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
Working mainly in customer service related jobs, also have been working in production of steel and metals. Ive been working towards obtaining my driving licence so i can hopefully obtain a better paying job. Ive also taken a break from steam and pc gaming in general for about 6 months after i was banned from the server 2+ years ago. Im also currently hoping to do a paramedic course in the near future.
Why do you want to return ?
Personally my favorite and most enjoyable times in Atlis Life RP were spent on Roleplay.co.uk, I remember doing copper runs in my boxer trucks with my friends which were the most stressful experiences ive ever had in a game(Mainly from trying not to be robbed at devils bend or the copper dealer by some guy with a pistol). I also love the fact that Roleplay.co.uk offers one of the if not the best role-play servers in Arma3. Ive played on many other servers in Arma 3 and by far Roleplay was the top dog in my opinion. My friends have also returned to play on your server and unfortunately due to my ban i am unable to join.
Why should we unban you ?
Because i am very sorry for what happened, I understand that what i did was highly immature, i was immature back when i was 17 and at times did not have the best judgement (as is proven due to my ban). I would like to mention that whilst on your server i was never once banned no kicked or even warned by a member of staff in game as i truly enjoyed the server and that community. I wish to once again apologize for my behavior and hope that we can move on from what i did in the past.
Thank you
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here