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Permanent Ban Appeal - Milo_unban

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New member
In-game Name

MailMan Milo

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

It says in game that i got kicked for breaking the 2,4 rule. I was exploiting a glitch within the game where I used a lag switch to duplicate stacks of cash, it goes under the rule 2,4 where you cant use any exploits within the game to your advantage, such as passing items through walls, duplication of money or other items and so on.
I offerd others who have already served their time and put in the work to get unbanned, in exchange for help with the duplication, i offerd them stacks of cash, putting my freinds at a risk they shouldnt have been in from the begining.

I also got 1,6 on the forums for "advising members there getting blanket banned" I understand that from an outsider perspective this might have looked like that i was advising members this, but I never did i might have joked about to the people who was helping me at the time I dont belive i said it to anyone else except for those people, also never said it in a none joking manner.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Well i have stept away from the computer sínce my last unban appel and just have tried to figure things out, working harder at school got a new job took my drivers license and my motorcykel license.
Bought myself a bike ktm660smc and have spent alot of hours in the workshop.

Why do you want to return ?

Well I miss arma, I miss rpuk.
I have been a member for 2years I have 1325h on arma and I belive almost all of them are on rpuk. I have had so much fun on the server and have to many hours to wanna go out like this.
I had so much fun roleplaying with other players and just living that rebel life that i just wanted to stop worrying about money, so I thought why not try to make alot of money in no time by duplicating it, i see now in hindsight its a terrible idea its completely unjustified I expolited a broken part of the game, it was unfair for everyone and for that i truly am sorry.
I wanna say that I never was a toxic person even if it would have been justified, i belive there is alot of people who would hopefully agree, i always tried to resolve problems I had with other people in game, over a chat on teamspeak where either they prove me wrong and i learn something new and we can move foward from the situation or I teach them the right way to handle the situation and we both leave happy.
I miss the people who werent after something to get mad about just out after a good time where everyone feelt like it was fun, fair and a good time.
My actions was a sign of toxicity indeed they where I realise that now when I have had time to think about it.

Why should we unban you ?

After about 9months away from the server and about 6months away from the computer all together I belive that the feeling of skipping steps in life and in game is over me.
I am a much happier person now even though I enjoyed joining the server every time before i was banned and spending hours after hours infront of the computer with my freinds.
I dont belive that I have changed many things over this time but I definitely know that my patience have grew stronger and as a happier, healthier person I belive that even the slightest toxicity within me is gone.
I still have alot of freinds on the server I miss playing with.
I know I can do better then last time!
all I need is one last chanse! that golden ticket to show it...

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


No mention of the 50 Billion you apparently duped in and bragged about ?

No mention of the 50 Billion you apparently duped in and bragged about ?
I indeed remember to have been pathetic enough  to have bragged about it to certain people.

I admit sadly enough that I whent there and duped a large amount of money but 50million is not what I duped or what i braged about to have duped, not that that has anything to do with it the point, the point is that i duplicated a larger amount of money and im paying the price for it right now, 
If You have anymore questions im happy to anwser them with the truth 


It is pathetic... you cheated on a Roleplay server, it really is bottom of the tank stuff.

Unfortunately for you, you are on a list that sets the tone for this sort of stuff, As much as I am enjoying giving people fresh starts there is no way back from this

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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