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Permanent Ban Appeal - McCreeUNBAN

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In-game Name


Steam ID

Will be explain in later fields

Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was banned round about 4-5 months ago (not sure on the exact time and date) for reasons I shall begin to explain. (*A community member not named*) had this little quiz he wanted people to take part in - a very dirty and weird quiz where a few of the questions involved asking the participating member how many times they masturbated per day and a whole range of other questions, and then gave this quiz to a very young member of the community, AND was told he was banned for this. So I did a little research on the website and found nothing on there so I presumed that the Staff had dealt with a topic this serious quietly. Later on, finding out, I dare to say I was wrong about him being banned at this time.

So, me being too curious for my own good I decided to message (*A community member not named*) on Snapchat where I began to question him about his apparent "ban" and the reason for the said ban. Now I will fully admit that my words used towards him were totally disrespectful and downright horrid and is not the sort of behaviour anyone would want anywhere let alone on an online multiplayer game. Since it will most likely come out, I called him a "nonce" which at the time, rage and confusion were clouding my judgement at that time and if I had stepped back and taken a minute to calm down and assess the situation I'm sure I wouldn't be in this position applying for my unban.

There was also an allegation which (*A community member not named*) made against me to which I said on snapchat "Stavik told me why you were banned why don't you just tell me" or something along those lines. And I am adamant that those words did not, at any time leave my mouth, or were typed on Snapchat to him, or were even conceived as a thought process in my brain. He has some screenshots he had taken with a username which isn't even my own on snapchat and there are visible differences in the username. Take this as you will, but that's all I can say for this matter.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

A few weeks after my ban I lost complete interest in PC gaming and sold my PC and my steam account to a very nice chap in Germany who I'm sure still uses my old account to this day as I see him on it regularly with the same name as the one I left it as (McCree). The reasoning behind me selling my computer was for a bit of extra cash and priorly said, my loss of interest in gaming.

Until recently where an abundant of games are set to release in this year, namely Metro, Anthem, Gears 5 and the new Star Wars game. I never thought I'd go back to Arma 3 until about a few days ago at 1 AM in the morning I watched a YouTube video of KOTH and thought fuck it, bought the game and tried to log onto the server knowing full well I was banned but tried anyway out of again, being too curious for my own good. (this was about 10-48 hours ago on this date and time of the written appeal)

To my surprise, I actually started to log in, and downloading the mission file, where I was quickly banned by Matt for which I'm sure he thought I was ban evading, as the message said.

I just want it clear that I wasn't trying to ban evade at all.

Why do you want to return ?

It's not so much as why I want to return but as to what I've missed doing. Yes granted I wasn't the perfect A* student who never did anything wrong and who always set the best example, but I can say that I am by no near measure the worst person to come through RPUK.

I miss driving through Kavala and hearing some new guy say "how do I open my inventory" and everyone around him shouting that he can't say that. I miss the gunfights at the Treasury, and yes; I miss the roleplay I did as a medic towards the time I got banned (which is where the majority of my hours on NHS were logged).

Simply put, I want to return because I do miss this community, I didn't get on with everyone but that's how it is and there will always be people who see the name "McCree" and think "oh dear God here we go" but I want to try and change that thought. (I am fully willing to change my name in sight of this)

Why should we unban you ?

It seems a lifetime ago that I was playing on this server, but it's not. And I'm sure that the consequences of my actions in the past will stick with me for a long time in the community.

I'm not a bad person, I am just very quick to jump to conclusions like so many other people, I could say that I will stop this from happening and lardi-dar but we both know (me and you reading this) that it is very unlikely. However, I can say that I will step back before I say anything to anyone and make sure that what I'm saying is respectful, sincere and true.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


Hello McCree.
With the rather disgusting behaviour that you have shown after your initial ban, it is kinda surprising that you actually try.

It seems a lifetime ago that I was playing on this server, but it's not. And I'm sure that the consequences of my actions in the past will stick with me for a long time in the community.
And you are 100 % correct, your actions will have consequences. 
You are not welcome here anymore. 


Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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